ilok transfer fee


Mar 9, 2009
Hello, just a quick question, how much does it cost to transfer an ilok license? Someone is selling something I'm interested in and says it costs £62 but I've read $25. Does anyone know? Did a quick Google and couldn't find it. It was a rather quick Google I'll admit. Sorry for being a lazy ass :(
ilok sucks!
gay company. if the ilok has a damage you are fucked. no matter where you live you have to send this thing to the US and pay for recovery (and maybe for some weeks when you are not living in the US).
i spoke to a guy from waves and he also said that this company is strange. they don´t even have a telephone number.....
Though, brilliant business idea. They don't even have to produce anything. Just stick a USB drive in some plastic, add proprietary software and hardware to the USB drive, then put whatever price you want on them. PACE can burn in hell.
It's the Digidesign Music Production toolkit, so I guess it would count as a package eh?
The Digi MPT is made up of several independent iLok-licenses (the PT feature extensions with track count and beat detective is one and then there are some plugins bundled that probably would not sell alone :muahaha:), so I am pretty sure you have to pay multiples of $25 to get the whole enchilada transfered.

Yeah, although the iLok make plugins somehow portable across machines, overall it sucks big time if something odd happens. If my iLok breaks, It'll be a major PITA, no matter how much "insurance" I might have paid to the iLok guys. If it gets lost, the PITA is ever more painful, because the broken iLok has to be sent in to the guys for some reason.