I'm a bit late on this one but here it is anyway (Ichigoueda's song)

The mix sounds pretty cool but if you want an honest 2 cents ditch the intro the song stands well without and I think the ride is a little low in the mix
Thanks to both, actually jeff666 I agree with ditching the intro, that's the way the song was sent though.

Any other commentz? :D I'm open to criticism btw, so don't be shy.
If i HAD to choose something that bothers me, I'd say the background little "shout-backs" are a little bit awkwardly mixed in there.
But like i said, this is pretty legit, man. haha
Yeah they are, they were cut really abruptly though, but I think I'll have a knack at giving them a fake reverb tail or something to make them fit.

now that i re-listen, drums sound REAL middy.
or the whole mix is just mid-focused.

Actually I think the drums aren't that middy, but that the mix is pretty mid-focused.

Guitars are really upfront in some high mids, which can make them a bit harsh, but I dig the way they sound for now. I noticed I'd have to automate the bassdrum, when it's alone it's got some kind of nasty resonance. I also should add a kind of reverb trail after the shouts in the back as I mentioned earlier, if I ever come back to it I'll do that.
Not to high-jack P-E's thread, but I never felt like bumping the old one or making a new one.

How's mine sound?

I like the way it sounds but I think you should play with the panning of the voices a bit more, lower the cymbals a tad and make the overall shells in the kit a tad bassier and less clicky. I would like it more if the bass sounded more huge and the guitars had a bit less low-mids at the same time, too.