I'm a little weary of posting this...


Skeletor Goes to Mars
Jan 30, 2005
For those of you who know me a bit better you know I'm a drummer. I also attempt to play guitar and sing.

I've always had so many ideas for songs running through my head and never have been able to get them down. Over the past half a year I've had a bit going through my mind and many things pushed me to write and record a full song.

I've finally grown the balls to post it here.

This song was written to a girl that I once had feelings for and still keep as a close friend. It's a bit cheesy. I programmed drums (I have no way to record drums), programmed bass, recorded live guitars, vocals, and keyboards over many many takes.

I'm looking for feedback rather it's positive or negative. The song can be heard here:

I enjoyed the melody of the song, and the progression of the track. Lyrical content was a bit emo, but you already knew that :P. I think with more confidence your vocals would stand out so much more, I really think you're holding back in that area. Otherwise, good song! Keep recording, and let us see your progression.