I'm afraid this site still sucks!


Sep 9, 2002
I haven't been moaning for quite a while but I think I'll cry just a little bit more...
I had expected much more changes along with the release of H.M.T. but this seems to be all that will happen.

So what are we waiting for? Perhaps the gallery will be updated during the next summer?
Will there be an update of the news section before the next album is released? Well, I wouldn't put any money on that...

The new message board is nice, but it alone won't make me visit this site.
My patience is close to zero. It seems our favourite band don't care about saxon747.com, so why should we?

Take care all you Metalheads out there and rock on!!
I'm off to somewhere else.

Felamid has a good point. Apart from the message board absolutely NOTHING has changed. It is still the same inactivity from website and band that it always was. If anything, it is worse! But I'm past caring now, surely not a good sign???
Won't it be a great idea to have videos, not for downloads, just streaming. Check out Iron Maidens homepage it's great,You can choose a number of videos...(streaming)Not very good quality but still fun to see!
(And i'd only seen Saxon in the poor Killing Ground video on Hm Thunder disc 2!)

Please! :grin:

I admit there is a lack of updates, however we are providing the fans with the info they need to know, i.e. tour dates, album release dates, images, mailing list info's, message board etc! The staple diet of information that most people visit a site for.

We also run a competition from time to time - see the current one.

We responded to getting the message board updated, and have added several more mp3's on the recordings page.

The unfortunate aspect for Saxon is the fact that the court case with O/D is still on-going limiting the display of historical facts and images. We therefore are promoting SAXON as they are - most definitely currently relevent in this Millennium.

saxon747.com is one person - me - Vince, you cannot compare this site with Iron Maiden's website who have 20 + staff and a budget into 1,000s Euro's, I am limited to what I can offer as news, i.e. Gigs are confirmed when the agent has them confirmed, the release of new material is only related to the current lineup, and when it is advised to me by the record label. Hence the appearance and disappearance of several info's on other Cd releases, and images of past members.

Saxon strive to offer the fans what they want, i.e. Great shows and CD's, the forthcoming DVD will be awesome! Live for this, Live for SAXON now, buy the CDs, go to the shows - the info you need is all here!

email me vince@amust4music.com - tell me what you want to see and I'll let you know if this is possible.


Tell me - what do Def Leppard offer on their site for 4 years between albums?
That's fair enough Vince. But theres still no reason why the band can't have a bit of input into this site. Or an interview with Biff/band. Just something to let us know the band even know that we exist!

You know you'd miss me Nige if I went, your life just wouldn't be the same! :lol:
Damn... I didn't know that it was only one man behind all this!

:grin:APPLAUSE TO :notworthyVINCE :grin:
Please Vince keep this thing up, I think I talk for all Saxon fans THIS SITE ROCKS! (better than without one!):grin:
Paxoman, you are right here....Spoke to Biff before the Stuttgart 2001 show and among other things he told me that he's very aware of this site and that considered this Saxon website a very good thing.He often checks it out and he knew about the several hundred hits a day...It would be a very small step from here to offer a little input , Biff...There's several other websites (Def Leppard,Great White,Pretty Maids..) where band members drop in from time to time and actually were/are involved in the message boards and discussions..

Apart from this I consider this website very well done and I enjoy the daily visits a lot!! Thanks Vince and also thanks Wouter...

Best from Munich, Germany
