i'm an idiot

Oct 29, 2001
i'm at work and i had to send an email to a group of something like 180 people.
instead of writing my email address in the "to:" field and the group in blind copy, i did exactly the contrary, so now each of them will get a one page list of email addresses :yell:

now, whip me!
well, mike, it's not only like i'm spamming. some of the people i sent that email to are competitors with each other :erk:

on monday morning i'll see how many of them complained. a couple sent me an email within 15 mins, lol, one said he forgives me because it was friday afternoon of the first week after the summer holidays, so a mistake can be made. lol

Rusty said:
No comment. :saint:
always so kind, mister.

thanks to the others for the support!;)
Let us know if things get violent. :erk:

@Mariana: Nice LDD you got there in your avvy! ^_^
update: no violence. this morning no one threatened to kill me. yet. everyone is polite. still.

*goes back to work* (i'll write something that will be published on some catalogues, let's hope i don't write something stupid :loco: ).