I'm back- with tons of material!

Morticia NL.

Orphaned sister
Hello my friends- I just want to let you know I'm back to my own place again. I'm already crying from missing Israel so much and especially all my friends overthere.
But trust me: I'll be back asap.

For all yee not interested in sentimental talks: I have scraped together tons of material during my trip, so you're all in for a nice treat. I promise to make some interesting items so you have something to do during your Xmas vacation.
Welcome home dear!
Hope you're not too sad to have left after all this time.

I already missed our talks a lot and walking through town, hopefully we'll all meet again in the holy land very soon.
I'm probably going to have to go to Israel sometime soon to do some business. But I think Ilan made everyone afraid to go to Bat Yam because of Arsim.
All my family lives in Bat Yam.
Everyone from where I went to high school would eat all those arsim alive, so they are no threat to me.
If some of them do want to start a problem with me, it might actually be fun. I haven't gotten in a good fight since I was 17 :mad: .
Well, I was bothered by some of them when I walked to the bus alone. Just as I was crossing the road a guy came driving up to me. I thought he wanted to ask for directions, so I politely came up to him. Then he opened the window and asked: you want a ride? Ofcourse this was not the objective, as he was a total arsim guy. I cursed at him. Then some other day whilst wating at the busstop, same thing happened again. This time there were other women around and they started to curse at the guy- serves him right for being so forward to me, only for the fact that I'm a foreigner/ tourist.

But I must say that in general people in Israel are very friendly and helpful. Also in Bat Yam.
I've never actually seen an ars (i'm assuming that's the singular version of arsim?), but from what I've heard, they don't seem so dangerous. They seem more like wiggers than actual gangstas. Not that I care either way since neither one pose a threat to me.
there are violent arsim and there are toy arsim(ערס צעצוע)- the violent type may actually stab you just because he doesn't like your face.
toy ars is more of a trying to play macho and has nothing to show for himself kind of guy...those are not dangerous...just plain dumb.

oh and Arsim like cute dutch blonds...
hell if I had a car I'd offer Nathalie a ride...and I'm not even an ars
there are violent arsim and there are toy arsim(??? ?????)- the violent type may actually stab you just because he doesn't like your face.
If I'm not afraid of gangsta/ghetto guys in bad neighborhoods, I doubt arsim are anything to avoid.
There- a picture of me kicking Ilans *ss.
Sorry for the bad quality, I guess not everyone knows how my camera works.
Hahahahahaha, looks like an S&M sort of thing.
Ilan seems to have enjoyed it. His eyes look closed and he is smiling.