I'm back- with tons of material!

Oh no- a red dot
Guess I had better post some pictures that won't be upsetting for our 'younger viewers'

We start in Jerusalem, near the Jaffa gate

Through the maze that is the streets of the old city, we go to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre

Scenes from the Jewish Quarter


the Western Wall
This trip I got lucky- someone offered to take me to the Al Aqsa and I finally figured out where to enter the site and when this is possible.
For anyone ever planning to travel there: the site is open daily from 7-10.30 AM and from 12.30-13.30 PM. The entrance is on your right when you are facing the Western Wall.


If you're ever in Jerusalem, you must go and see it. And yes, Jews are allowed, except for the religious ones ofcourse ( by ruling of the Rabinate)


The mosk is built on a huge square, from this place the view on Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives is breath taking!

Again, just a street near the old city. It doesn't matter where I go here, all places are worth picturing.

Hanging with my bro Ofir in the Old Friend bar
Thanks for introducing me to your posse motek
My friend Eran took me on a wonderful trip to the Dead Sea. When we got there the water turned out to be dead cold. Brave as I am, I went in any way. And almost froze to death.... still my hair and skin looked great afterwards and you just can't go there without taking a dive.

It is so weird to see the sun and moon at the same time. In the back you can see Jordan

Wadi En Boqeq, near the Dead Sea

Just like Wacken getting Bullet for my Valentine on their bill. That's violence and damage towards themselves, and therefore if this keeps up, Wacken is emo. The only thing that shouldn't be emo, is, in fact, emo.

Bullet For My Valentine off the Wacken bill! Petition : [ powered by iPetitions.com ]
I signed it. Even if I don't go to Wacken, the holiness of the metal campground cannot be corrupted by emo!!!
This is even worse than Aniihilator opening for Trivium on their European tour, or Nevermore touring Europe with Disturbed :Puke: :Puke: :Puke: :Puke:
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Well, blond coloured hair will only turn green if you swim in a pool with Clorid in it, not in a salt-sea. Its a chemical reaction between chlorid and the ammonium that hair stylers use and got nothing to do with the water itself... so go ahead, swim wherever you want!

Btw I'm also a natural blonde, i only know about this because of my studies (Believe it!)
I'm pretty sure I heard Shuki Zikri(Israeli top class hair designer) giving that tip to natural blonds. what the hell do I know about blond hair?
Ahem, how do you know what top hair designers are saying?

Nobody watched the Tickle Me Emo video? :(