I'm back

Did you left?

Oh yes, congratulations (damn one less free chick :D )
JonnyD said:
Gee Wiz guys its not likes shes dead
She married didn't she. Good as dead for me, I don't hit on married women :D
JonnyD said:
lol Thats terrible :loco: not the Hitting on married women part but the good as dead part :tickled:
It can be worse, I can be hitting on dead women :ill:

Don't mind us Abryl, we love you anyway :loco:
Hey girl !! I e-mailed hubby and asked him why I hadn't seen either of you in a while. Glad you are back. I hope "Big Ben" can get things done. Looks like he will start for the next six weeks or so. You missed the pix of me with my guitar andSteeler gear on. : (

Abryl said:
:( Damn. I wanna see! And 'Big Ben' better get it done, otherwise it's gonna get pretty ugly, don't need another 6-10 season! :yell:


Hawk said:
Well Bryant, it can't be denied, you have a way with colours! :lol:

Ha ha ha thanks... I think. We might have to have a conversation about American football though.... As you (and I hope everyone else here) know, I am not one of those people that think America/Americans are better than any other country or citizens of other countries, but I think it is time for Europe to really learn to "grasp" American football. The learning curve is very big, but the game is amazing.
