Hey everyone!!!


Apr 27, 2004
I'm back! :D
I've been having computer and internet connection issues as well as being flat out with school and work.

I've missed all of you! How are you all?
My son finally you show up! I was wondering what happened to you too, glad you make it back to the den ;)

Stay cool.
Igor_Cavalera said:
I'm back! :D
I've been having computer and internet connection issues as well as being flat out with school and work.

I've missed all of you! How are you all?

Igor you little Bastard!!!! Been wondering bout you!!! good to see your ok!! ... oh yeah how am I doing haha Turned 27 today so I am Depressed as hell... hahaha
:D It's great to be among my friends that share my passion again!

Happy birthday for yesterday JonnyD! :D ...You old bastard :p

Wyvern said:
My son finally you show up! I was wondering what happened to you too, glad you make it back to the den ;)
:D How are you father?!

Hawk said:
Great!! Good to see you again. I hope you are ok and enjoying your free time.
Of course I am! I'm here :) What's been happening Hawk?!

Delize said:
So there you are!!! :) I'm fine! Thanks for asking :)
That's great to hear Delize :) You've still got that cool avatar too!

KMADD said:
Btw. Wassup Igor? How's it going?
Not much is up at the moment! Which is a nice change. How about yourself?

carnut said:
Igorrrrrrrrr :headbang:

Seems alot of missing regulars are coming back these days .... GREAT !!!
Fuck yeah! Can't stay away for too long! :headbang:
Hawk said:
carnut! Love your new avatar!! \m/

Hmm, so Carnut is a goatrider now? :D

:wave: Hola Igor! Welcome back... sawy about those connection issues... :yell:
SIckBoy said:
Hi Igor, howz it goin with Sepultura? :D
Yeah wonderful, I love playing shitty, boring music after playing so many years of amazing stuff, it's a great change :p

I still find it hard to accept that one of my biggest drumming idols plays shit now :(
Pabla said:
Hola Igor! Welcome back... sawy about those connection issues...
Thanks Pabla! My fellow Maiden nut :) Isn't "Tyranny Of Souls" Awesome?!!! :headbang: Bruce rules!!! :worship:

And thanks Zeppelin (love that Igor pic ;) and your new avatar!) and Droogie!
Igor_Cavalera said:
Yeah wonderful, I love playing shitty, boring music after playing so many years of amazing stuff, it's a great change :p

I still find it hard to accept that one of my biggest drumming idols plays shit now :(

Same here! I have the "Under Siege in Barcelona" on vid and they SMOKE during that performance. And whats even worse no one has stepped into the vacuum that Sepultura left. :confused:

For me "Arise" is still the definitive thrash album with technical influences. Now were did that style disappear to??