Hey everyone!


Apr 27, 2004
Hey hey!
Sorry I haven't been around much lately, I've been busy with exams and such.
Only 2 to go and I'm finished school forever! Woooo!!! :D

I've missed you all and UMOS in general so I'll be around much more often from now on. :)

P.S. Any gossip for me? :p
My son! Glad you make it back to the lair ;)

Congratulations on your exams, cheer up your almost done :D
Hey, hey long time no see! I hope you're getting some good grades or you don't have to show your face here anymore ;)

Just kidding. It must be a pleasure to think that you be rid of school soon!
welcome back dude, glad to hear you're tackling those exams! I know how much of a bitch just one can be, so I don't blame you at all for keeping busy!