I'm Back!

Oct 17, 2005
Kinnear, Wyoming
hey guys, i have been gone for awhile, after graduating highschool i am getting into that aura of lots of work and of course, college.

I'n the mean time i have been writting songs, thanks to guru's tutorials i kinda know what im doing.

glad to know things are going well for you steve, my card i sent you didnt get there, it was sent back to me so ill try to send the get well card agian for you.

let me know how everyone is doing. i gotta go back to work nice to see you guys agian!

Good to see you back. I know how that whole high school-college thing goes, just went through it myself (but without an 'official' job, just various tutoring and computer tech stuff). What kind of course load are you taking? Along with work, that'll be the biggest factor in how much time you can spend meandering aimlessly around here - I can find plenty of time for the forum with a 21 hour load, but then again I have no 'real' job. And the classes are easy. And I never get enough sleep.

ms. anthrope said:
Have you slapped a liver lately??? Hi ya.

no i havn't and its very depressing :( i gotta catch up on that, i seriously do. Nice to see ya agian ms. anthrope, lol yay i got the ms. right this time!

JBroll i am doing a lot of computer courses, trying to finish up my 2nd sem. of Cisco (CCNA) and gonna attempt to do my Microsoft Certification, and what-not.
ill definalty try to be around as much as i can, i really missed you guys! im just glad that things are looking up for you now, looking forward to your project and hopeing to meet you one day like i met the rest of nevermore!

take care brother!

:rock: :rock: :rock: