maybe, your chances are bigger if you have relatives with the diesease, but it's probably caused by the cold, or a bad posture...and no, I'm not a doctor.
Originally posted by Thanatos
maybe, your chances are bigger if you have relatives with the diesease, but it's probably caused by the cold, or a bad posture...and no, I'm not a doctor.

I think my mom has it. I'm fucked up :(
RSI. I only just wrote a newspaper article on it and did a presentation on something similar. If you use a keyboard a lot, there's some advice I could give, based on what I found in my research. If not, then I haven't got a clue.
You could cut your hands off.... It's the miracle-guaranteed-to-work-every-time-cure for your ailment.... It may have some side effects though, I'm not sure.:s
I'd entertain you, but it'd cost something. I've all ready sold out, so you have to pay $20. And if you want Lars Ulrich's cell phone number, it'll be an extra $50. Thanks, and that is all. Hopefully some quack can fix your problem. :)

NP:Satyricon-Fuel For Hatred(This song=addictive)
Is it possible for a person to be Bored-er (hell, is this even a word...) than someone?

Cutting off the hurting body part(s) doesn't work. When you cut off your hand, you have to cut off your arm because it hurts, and then you have to cut off your shoulder. It just doesn't work out!
Originally posted by Silver Raven
Tara whatever you do DO NOT LISTEN to BasilisK3777. His idea to fix anything that hurts on your body is to cut it off. He's such a weirdo :p

I do a pretty darn good job of typing with my stubs, huh? :)
Nevermind Silver Raven... She doesn't know anything about the medical field.

Great job on the typing, by the way. High five! ......... or..... zero. Whatever.
Well since you did follow his advice if any infections come about and cause more health problems you can always sue BasilisK3777, Tara :D Just make sure you spilt the money with me :lol: