im bringing good news to all MEGADETH FANS


New Metal Member
Jan 31, 2004
guess what ...megadeth is back (though this time with a different line up, no junior, marty or nick. but chris poland is back on lead).

listen to a new megadeth song clip on
just listen and judge for yourself. (specially to whoever doubted mustaine's capability) :headbang:
yeah i think it will be a return to glory with Poland- his work was always beter than Marty's, and his work in OHM is a revelation. However, I wonder about the drummer and the bassist- will they be decent?
speed said:
yeah i think it will be a return to glory with Poland- his work was always beter than Marty's, and his work in OHM is a revelation. However, I wonder about the drummer and the bassist- will they be decent?

this is what dave said on his website...
New Megadeth Record
I started last year in October working on a new record and was unsure if it was going to be a Megadeth record or the first record of my career-post Megadeth.

But there was too much good music that was written during the Megadeth era that was left incomplete and unreleased that I had written and I decided to assemble that music first. It is frikkin' heavy and most people that have been around are surprised it was never released.

Regardless of being unable to come to an agreement with the RIP line-up, I am excited to say that Chris Poland is in the studio with me in Arizona, working on this new record. Vinnie Colaiuta and Jimmy Sloas played drums and bass with me on this record and I should be done somewhere around the end of March. Don't worry, they rip!