I'm feeling curious...

I used to think about this...The perfect song would be... maybe The Black Canvas... or Stellar Dome for me...don't know yet, but I hope I don't have to think about this, and I'm not that close to death...
Emperor's The Tongue of Fire provokes those kind of feelings to me, though I don't insist it being played on my funeral :)
Evil-shiva said:
Okay I was just wondering, has anyone here ever written in their will to have one of Borknagar's songs played at your funeral? Or am I the only sad person here? =3

Seems I wrote down on my will I want "The View of Everlast" played o_o;
Nice choice :)
Might I ask, why that particular song?
station82o said:
I really can't wait to hear this Borknagar acoustic album - whens that coming out anyway?


well i hope they don't have a funeral for me, no one would come, hoping to have ashes scattered rather than left on the shelf like the dog's...not that it'll make a difference...anyway i would concur on the genuine pulse and add emperor's with strenght i burn as something to play for the fleshbound.
Evil-shiva said:
beleive it or not It makes me cry ((I'm such a typical girl!))
the lyrics are just so meaningful, That one song has inspired alot of my artwork and has helped me in stupid singing lessons ((I tend to sing that song often))
strangely that one song has helped me out alot in life, I'll admit ones like Colossus and The genuine Pulse have helped me through little situations, but strangely The view of everlast just really helps me, I constantly play it when depressed or feeling stressed. *shrugs* I just love it, and his voice ... it adds alot of power to the song kinda gives me confidence.
((woo weird me))
Makes me feel good that someone holds my lyric in such high regard, thank you :)
-- said:

well i hope they don't have a funeral for me, no one would come, hoping to have ashes scattered rather than left on the shelf like the dog's...not that it'll make a difference...anyway i would concur on the genuine pulse and add emperor's with strenght i burn as something to play for the fleshbound.
I have an mp3 interview with Brun in which he mentions a borknagar acoustic album or EP... like songs with piano and violin and such. I dunno how realistic it is, but hell he said it.
Borknagar acoustic album would be great...hope to hear more about this.

Bathory did progress, i got into hammerheart without a clue as to their founding status or earlier material.
I'd choose The Stellar Dome too, and although the song is not the same it is for the same reasons that Evil-shiva chose The View of Everlast (which is one hell of a song too). Some songs are always... connected to certain events in life. The Stellar Dome has helped me a lot really, pulling through some low periods.

Other than that, I might choose Metallica's Wherever I May Roam, since the lyrics would suit.

But then again, hopefully the time of my funeral is at least a few more years into the future, so there might be more added to that list until then :)
My Funeral Music should be Skepticism's The March and the Stream or Untitled however my Funeral instructions are from Anata's Shacked to Guilt ("All is Dead, All is Over, Bury me Under a Stone with no Inscription") and Emperors Thorns on my Grave ("Now that I am gone, lay Thornes on my Grave")
I think for my funeral(lets hope thats not anytime soon of course!), I will have 3 songs selected. For the entrance of the funeral goers, a song right in the middle for everyone to sit back and listen to, and a song for when people are walking away and saying there goodbyes and shit.

I would probably pick from these songs:

Inherit the earth
A song I wrote (if I ever write a decent one of course haha)
View of everlast
The explorer-vintersorg
A few Jimi Hendrix songs
Fate of Norns-Amon Amarth

cant think of any others, but I think having music played a funeral is a great idea, I would really want others to hear the songs I connected the most with...even if the thought of it is a bit depressing HAR!
i'd like to have the following played:
Spiral Architect - Spinning
Emperor - I am the black wizards
Death - everything from ITP
Winds - all of The Imaginary direction.....
Opeth - everything they have done
Sun Caged - Killer Banshee
Arcturus - all The Sham Mirrors
Borknagar - Soul Sphere, The Stellar dome
Yes - Roundabout
Camel - all of Camel
Rush - YYZ, Tom Sawyer
Vintersorg - The Explorer
Watch Tower - Mayday in Kiev

I'm sure that all of the about would take hours to play............ but it's my death and i'll have played what i'd want to hear