the truth about Vortex.....

It's hard to choose just one. I like Vortex because his voice is nice and operatic, but Vintersorg goes between the demonic and clean vocals really well.

I haven't heard much from the Garm period, and I like his voice in Arcturus and in Ulver, though.
Every past vocalist (Vintersorg included) has brought their own unique offering to the table, it's pointless to compare them. They're all great, in my opinion.
En Vind Av Sorg said:
You know, theres this great little option called "search"...


Myself, I believe Garm to be the dominant vocalist. I am a huge Vintersorg fan and I like some of Vortex's work, but Garm completely owned the first two albums.
vintersorge,of wife is a trained voalist and she is blown away by both of them,but vintersorges voice made even her(dam crusty punk)like borknagar.his voice and range is astounding.
vortex is explosive and passionate,so what he seems to lack in theory he makes up for is heart....but still,skill is skill.

where is vintersorge from anyways?
Vortex IS BETTER!! VINTERSORG IS A WHINEY PANSY homosexual FUDGEPACKING emo FAGGOT! But I still bought the CD cause the band is neat otherwise. It's too bad Vortex can't go back. He's greater in Dimmu though.
he sucks in dimmu - they dont even use him properly

and dont you dare insult mr. V - he kicks the major ass!
Vintersorg is definately more emotional with his singing...and I think he trys to expand his ground as a singer, like hes always trying new things and approaching different ways of using his voice...even if he doesnt have the best tone. But on the other hand, the tone of Vortex's clean vocals are so fucking righteous is crazy. In the song Colossus, his vocals just make me feel like picking up a massive sword and charging head on at whatever life has to offer.

So um, Vintersorg takes the cake...more so because what he does with his voice and who he is as a person.

ALSO...I agree with the guy who said Vortex sucks in Dimmu. It's definately a shame his mighty vocal power isn't getting used that much, but I guess you have to figure in that hes also the bass guitar player. Plus...Dimmu Borgir isn't the same type of artistic band that Borknagar is, Dimmu is more of a darker, angry, crunchy riffing black metal melodies and clean vocals probably don't play as big a role as the grim, demented vocals and disturbing images that Dimmu produces.
Anagnorisis said:
where is vintersorge from anyways?

I believe he is Swedish but I'm not sure which part hes from.

With regards to Vortex, I think he's wasted in Dimmu Borgir. He's a great vocalist and could do so much more.
Vintersorg is much better of course, much cooler styles of singing. I don't understand why people say Vortex is better with his over the top opera style, far too much drama and not enough aggression in his singing
Baletempest said:
Well now he's in Arcturus and Lamented Souls are fully active, you may just be hearing more from him soon:)

I knew he was back in Arcturus but I'm not that familar with Lamented Souls. Any sound clips available?