I'm going to assume I can post this here!


New Metal Member
Mar 26, 2009
I have 2 sites which I'd like to advertise! unsane Culture being more related to music of the underground persuasion . . .

Free Spirited Discussions

To have their say on a number of alternative topics, allows freedom of thought towards existences outside material reality, some heated debate forums, also it will be a place where everyone's opinions and beliefs are respected, and even encouraged. its a place where people can develop their thoughts, and share them with like minded people.
A forum tackling a range of subjects including Life, Spirituality, metaphysics, Nature, Animal Rights and Vegetarianism, religion, and a whole load more! We welcome everybody to come and check us out, thank you!

Unsane Culture

Admin, Unsane_Swami

Unsane Culture is a general community where you can come to either relax and goof around and discuss important subjects at the same time.

It's aimed primarily at anyone with non-mainstream interests but anybody is welcome.