I'm going to be a Dad!!!


Dec 16, 2002
Hey fellow posters

I just found out a couple of days ago my beautiful wife is pregnant and we are expecting in late July 05 !!!!!

For the first couple of days the news knocked me on my arse but now it's sunk in and I am over the moon!!!!!

- TC
Cheers Mate ^^^ - hopefully mine will too !!!

Thanks all for the sentiments !!!
Dude, Your freaking me out! First, congratulations. Second, my name is Timmy also (of course only my mom calls me Timmy). Third, and here's the freaky part, my baby is due on July 5 also. I swear I'm not making this sh!t up.
NOFXsux said:
Dude, Your freaking me out! First, congratulations. Second, my name is Timmy also (of course only my mom calls me Timmy). Third, and here's the freaky part, my baby is due on July 5 also. I swear I'm not making this sh!t up.
Don't freak out too much :D

My name is Timmy(B) too: Just think Timmy, Timmy Timmy, Timmy!!!!!

That song just :headbang: