I'm going to run into a knife....

Krilons Resa

Jerry's married?!
Nov 7, 2002
Inside dorian's gym bag.
...I am SO fucking bored. I have today off and my girlfriend is working all day and night. I have no errands or anything really to do....well, I do have stuff that I can do but I am pretty lazy today. I woke up at 8:30am, check my mail and posted a few shits on RC, listened to some music, went back to bed and took a 3 hour nap, woke up, listened to more music and posted some more, and in between ate some yogurt, cereal, and hot tamales. Now I'm gonna jump out my fucking seconf floor window if I don;t find something to do. I think I'm gonna go to Borders and buy another book and stop at the best liquor store in the world and buy really good beer and get nice. Nothing better to do other than post an uttterly useless freakin' post here at RC that nobody, including myself, wants to really read....unless you too are really fucking bored. :err:
hahaha this thread rules. im so bored today i was moments away from going out and buying an $1800 bike. then i came to and realized i can just put shit like that off........until saturday.
Well, I went and bought:







4 pack

Dude. Old Horizontal is AWESOME, and is quite possibly the most fitting title of a beer EVAR.

I was fucked after 2. It was great.
NADatar said:
Dude. Old Horizontal is AWESOME, and is quite possibly the most fitting title of a beer EVAR.

I was fucked after 2. It was great.

Yeah, Im drinking one now. At 11% I'm gonna be toast before I know it. Not to mention the 90-minute is 9%. I'm fucked for work tomorrow already. This is what boredom does to you though.
Barleywine is so god damn amazing, but fuuuuuuck do it put you in a coma quick.

I think Old Horizontal is my favorite, I'll have to try that Old Ruffian.