I'm going to see bodom in december

this is true. but you still gotta love that BLEEEEAAARRGGHH!!#$% that the rest do. actually i might like warrel from nevermore better.
I saw them last night at the New Jersey Metal and Hardcore fest. It was them, Morbid Angel, Superjoint Ritual, Danzig, and a bunch of smaller bands whose names I don't remember. I missed most of Hypocrisy's set, but what I saw was really good. Bodom was amazing, but they only had a half hour. Nevermore was disappointing. Dimmu Borgir was good. I especially liked when he said something about how "This next song is called VREGHSPERGHHDEAGGHNA!" (Vredesbyrd) I don't like Morbid Angel, but they were way better last night than I was expecting. Superjoint Ritual put me to sleep. I don't know if it's because they bored me, or if it's because they sucked so bad that my natural response was to find a way to shut it out. The singer made such an ass out of himself on stage, he's like "I'll fuckin kick fuckin your fuckin ass fuckin if fuckin your fuckin not fuckin losing fuckin your fuckin mind. Fuckin. Fuckin."

And Danzig was amazing, of course.

However the hilight of my evening was right before Danzig started, my brother got thirsty, so we went over to the food and stuff, and standing right in the middle of everything was Alexi. I had just bought Damage Done, so he signed that since I didn't have any Bodom or Sinergy on me.

Woah, I think I must have got drunk and forgot I drank, because I feel like I've got a hangover. Must be the huge cloud of weed that practically blocked out the stage. Now I know why Mushroomhead wears gas masks to their shows.

[Edit] By the way, it was my first metal show. Kick ass way to start it.
DT & Laiho. Nice.

I'm going tomorrow with a huge scot-irish friend of mine. He'll probably kill people in the pit.

I am undecided as of yet whether to go and bootleg it and not flip out, or whether to go and not bootleg and go CRAZY MOTHERFUCKER!@%!#^%
I get the feeling if I flip out I'm just going to end up making the recording sound like shit, and I'll probably not flip out as much, so where would be the fun in that?

Cuz if I bootleg CoB then I can trade it for a Skyfire bootleg...hmmmm..decisions decisions.
I'd kill to meet the band, Ill bring my Jackson for Alexi to sign :p...ok no I won't thats just a pain the ass waiting to happen, i need something though...something indeed...Gums' nude guitar picture will do just fine I think.
Well Gadlor I know they searched for that stuff at the doors at my show. I don't know if you're planning on video taping or just recording.. recording is boring, and video taping your arm will fall off by the end of the night. but its up to you big phil!