Im Gonna Go Out On A Limb Here, And Propose A Truce To TEE!

ahh yes, I know who he is, but didnt recognize the picture.

Umm lizard how does he pertain to my post? I don't feel like thinking today, do u mind elaborating a little plz?
well my imagination was flying about as it often does and I thought of how this misunderstanding between you and Tee keep flaming up, and I thought "who would be the perfect diplomat to negotiate between you and that made me think of kissenger.:Saint:

I try to get along with everyone but right now that adoub or whatever the fuck his name is has gotten my attention.
hahahaaaa, i don't know. see, i put those in there. he had gone to another computer without logging off of the one he was on, so i went in and fucked with his sig....actually, everything you see on his posts was put there by me, except what he's saying of course....but anyway....the only thing i was thinking about was randomness...
and the next time i can have such fun...i might put this in there: