I'm gonna start posting here now

Lies and Perfidy

Gentleman of the Road
Nov 27, 2002
Washington, Washing-Ton
Because I've been posting on the same boards as Nicodemix for two years now, so it might as well be my turn to follow him somewhere. Also there was Erik's beer thread, which convinced me that this forum reeks of triumph and glory.

I should really pick a topic. Uh, World of Warcraft is slowly stealing my soul. I was up till nine in the morning doing the fucking Deadmines, but I FINALLY got Edwin Van Cleef's head. DIE BANDIT SCUM, AHAHAHAHAH! Discuss.
lizard said:
just be nice to mousewings because in about six months after the thaw begins, she might be suffering from cabin fever:loco:
what's that supposed to mean? I'd only go for Dan or Jens if you're refering to something...
"rid themselves of irritants," nice.

haha, that one Simpsons where Burns and Homer get stuck in the cabin and have each other's snowmen army go to war against each other, haha Certified Comedy Gold!
lizard said:
nah I was talking about how people get a little stir crazy when they're snowed in for months and maybe pick up a hatchet or something and.....


decide to rid themselves of irritants.
I thought you meant... something else. Yep, we're snowed in here
Damn, its that jew I met on the internet a couple years back.

The one with the turkey drumsticks the size of fender stratocasters.

crazy jew