Im Heading to....

Claws of Perdition

Wipes sitting down
Jul 7, 2005
Australia, not Austria
see Nile tonight!!!!!

It should be an awesome night, they're having a signing before hand so im heading to that to :headbang:

The only thing im not looking forward to is driving 2.5 hours each way but it will be worth.

who has seen them before? are they good in concert?
I will post feedback tomorrow
Cry fucking more about 2.5 hours driving. I have to spend 2-3 (each way)hours on transit to see any gigs. If I want to go see Nile I'd have to go seattle which is 2.5 (each way) hours on transit, then 4-5 hours on a bus. A hotel room and 4-5 hours back. Plus cab rides around seattle.

But have a good time anyway, despite how much I loath you out of jealousy right now. My friend martin has seen them live a few time, they fucking rule apparently.
Krigloch the Furious said:
Nile own live.
That statement couldn't be anymore true. They were completly un-fucking-ruly :worship: I have a whole new appreciation for them now.

Met them after the concert also, they are the nicest most down to earth guys.

Karl came out the back of the venue for a bit and went back in to pack up his gear. The roadies and that offered to help he was like "nah it's cool, i'll do it".:lol:

and to top the night off!

furthest i've ever gone to catch a show was 6 hour bus ride each way to Montreal to see Katatonia... ended up being awake for the entire night, much of the next day (couldn't sleep on the bus home)


if we were talking local shows though, downtown's about an hour in transit for me. and i go to few enough shows as it is. if i lived as far from them as you guys, i don't think i'd even know what a metal show looked like.
I was tempted to go to see them when they came to Australia, but decided that I couldn't be bothered. Kinda wish I went now.

On the plus side, I'm going to go see Behemoth on the 14th!!
I think Nile is the only metal band of any worth to play in my town and though I was here, I didn't go see them because I couldn't get any of my friends to go. Man I should have just gone alone.

Apparently the douchbags from my area attending the concert passed around a severed pigs head. :err: