Im Thanks Tom...


Feb 23, 2002
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Well...I dont post here but after watching the new "Night to remember" DVD I felt compelled to give my thanks to Tom Englund for calling my work "art".....Ok let me back up and explain this.....3 years ago I made an Evergrey logo outta wood and finished it in a pewter finish and I sent it to Sweden to the Evergrey camp...Well...Im sitting around this weekend and Im watching the new EG DVD and I find the section called E-tv cribs....and Tom picks up the logo I made and he calls it art and praises the logo....This meant alot to me....I always have people saying "make this" or make that.....But when people see the beauty and effort that goes into means alot to me...So anyways..Im going to try and show a little more of my work here..including another Evergrey logo I did in a "rust" here goes...
Thanks alot for the nice comments....Thats very cool....You guys need to see the rust Evergrey logo....I have one pic which has 4 logos I made...the Eg logo as well as Blind Guardian, SymphonyX, and Savatage...Can you not post images here? If so how do you do it? Thanx again..Doug
ChicKenKiLLER said:
Thanks alot for the nice comments....Thats very cool....You guys need to see the rust Evergrey logo....I have one pic which has 4 logos I made...the Eg logo as well as Blind Guardian, SymphonyX, and Savatage...Can you not post images here? If so how do you do it? Thanx again..Doug

Well, instead of posting them on here, just provide us with the link to your photobucket account and we can look at them that way.
You can post images with <img></img>, in [] brackets. Mind the size, though, so it doesn't overwhelm the screen (or dialup users).
Ok...I'll just give the link to my photobucket album...I assume that you'll have access to seeing all the photos in there..Theres only 14 pics but I do have to explain a couple of them or else you'll say "what the fuck?!"....Every once in awhile I mess with pics that people post of themselves on this one particular message board... it amuses me and these guys find it funny so it kills time when boredom knocks on the door... the adobe photoshop elements is a fun little program you can draw all kinds of crap on pics...alright enough of that...But there is pics of other "cute" things( yuck! I hate cute!) I made for mothers day like a bear windchime....Check out the scroll sawed clock..That sucker took a long time to make but my mom dug it...I make my own frames for posters...Ok..Im rambling now so I'll shut the F up....Can you post "fuck" here? hmmm...I do have a potty mouth...anyways...

ChicKenKiLLER said:
Ok...I'll just give the link to my photobucket album...I assume that you'll have access to seeing all the photos in there..Theres only 14 pics but I do have to explain a couple of them or else you'll say "what the fuck?!"....Every once in awhile I mess with pics that people post of themselves on this one particular message board... it amuses me and these guys find it funny so it kills time when boredom knocks on the door... the adobe photoshop elements is a fun little program you can draw all kinds of crap on pics...alright enough of that...But there is pics of other "cute" things( yuck! I hate cute!) I made for mothers day like a bear windchime....Check out the scroll sawed clock..That sucker took a long time to make but my mom dug it...I make my own frames for posters...Ok..Im rambling now so I'll shut the F up....Can you post "fuck" here? hmmm...I do have a potty mouth...anyways...


Doug, that's absolutely awesome work. The Band logos are right on the money....Impecable eye for detail. I want that Evergrey! I bet you could make an awesome Opeth logo :rock:
Thanx alot...yeah Ive been doin woodworking over 20 some years now...Im an old fuck I guess....I strive for perfection and will never sell or trade someone my wood stuff if Im not completely satisfied with it myself...It will be identical to what the person wants....or else it burns!:rock: