I'm in dire need of some help


New Metal Member
Nov 23, 2004
Hello there! I'm newbie here, and I'm from Russia (do you ever hear of such a country? :grin: ). So I have a problem. There are some words spoken in the "In stone" song, they starting are at 04:25 minute. So I can't understand these words, because I'm not such good in english language :erk: Could you help me out? :tickled: I would be very grateful if you will write this words here ;)
"Exposed and fruitless
Suspended from a childhood insecurity
Perpetuated beyond the boundries of logic and reality
Many times I held my hand out to you when it should have been me who was destructive
In my own rights I should have been
I had hoped somewhere that through your clouded portrait of rage
I could eventually count on human nature to rear its head
And shine over the darkness we had created for ourselves
And human nature did shine through,
But I never realized that human nature was truly so jealous and vile
That is the nature of man, the very man you strive to be, And you will succeed
Stretch out your pain as long as it may carry you
Until your body becomes consumed and decayed from the ravages of time
For one day it will forever change your mask,
And you will be carved in stone"