I'm in the Navy!

You're not gonna miss your hair at all? Not even a sliver of a little bit? That's one of the main reasons that I'm not doing service, but you all probably guessed that already...
You make awesome music and you have epic long hair. That is something or two that your are doing right now. Job security is for pussies and white collars! Plus I fucking hate the commercials the navy puts out. Fucking lame... But I digress, as usual. Good luck to you, good sir!
I qualified for Nuclear since my AFQT was 82 and the minimum you could get was an 80, but there were more hurdles I had to go through. I said "screw it" and went with this position since it involves explosives, guns, and electrical work with circuit boards, resisters, conductors, and soldering.... all shit that I have an interest in.
You got that right! You want a man's job? Harass people for change on the street, or for a couple of their mcdonalds fries... yeah, that takes balls! And if you're lucky, you could land a spot as an extra on an oprah community outreach special. SWEET!

Oh yeah, soldering is fucking awesome, I'm workin on repairs of live sound and recording audio equipment, and after you get past all the bullshit physics, its fucking fun, good call on that position. Make sure to wear a nutguard before blowing shit up though...
I qualified for Nuclear since my AFQT was 82 and the minimum you could get was an 80, but there were more hurdles I had to go through. I said "screw it" and went with this position since it involves explosives, guns, and electrical work with circuit boards, resisters, conductors, and soldering.... all shit that I have an interest in.

Good choice... chances are you'd be washed out in nuclear school and end up cleaning out toilets.:lol:
I qualified for Nuclear since my AFQT was 82 and the minimum you could get was an 80, but there were more hurdles I had to go through. I said "screw it" and went with this position since it involves explosives, guns, and electrical work with circuit boards, resisters, conductors, and soldering.... all shit that I have an interest in.

*COUGH*...yeah, me too! :p

I recall one guy getting a "5" on his and asked where he could be placed. They said "Marines".
Yeah... that's actually my top priority! hahaha. at least I know that if I do die, my parents will get a nifty flag, and I'll have gunfire and bugles at my funeral. :tickled:

I'm quite excited about this whole thing