I'm in the Navy!

Nuke program is a motherfucker. I got all the way through prototype and fucked up the final exam. I'd NEVER do that shit again. Any particular reason for a GM?

Congrats, btw!!

I knew that I wanted something to do with explosives and how they worked, and the electrical engineering bit I read in the description when I was sitting there today. I had thoughts of going to school for it, so it only made sense for me to go for it.
I do admire that you're gonna get a fuckton of subsidies and discounts on your favorite products. Especially laptops... that is if you can find a company that'll ship it out to your base or wherever it is you semen hang out at these days.
Good luck amigo. Had plenty of friends go into many branches of the military. Some have had a blast and don't regret a thing. Others have become mindless machines, and still others have died. Sounds like your chances of being thrown into harms way are somewhat diminished though, which is a plus. Just follow your instincts.
giant squids are bullshit. Now colossal squids, those might put up a bit of a fight with their bitch beaks.
You're not gonna miss your hair at all? Not even a sliver of a little bit? That's one of the main reasons that I'm not doing service, but you all probably guessed that already...

You make awesome music and you have epic long hair. That is something or two that your are doing right now. Job security is for pussies and white collars! Plus I fucking hate the commercials the navy puts out. Fucking lame... But I digress, as usual. Good luck to you, good sir!

Its just hair...

Congrats Will.
Alright, I fucking get it that no one here makes as big of a deal about hair as I do, you don't have to point that out every 5 fucking seconds. What is meaningless to one individual means a world to another. Under all you people's rationale, I can also say "It's just music" or "It's just Will", but people will throw a shit fit. So there.
good luck and thanks for serving amurica! goat knows im too old to get drafted....i mean, sign up. plus haircuts are for jerks. :loco:

no srsly and shaving is for assholes