I'm intimidated to rec these drmz!


Sep 24, 2009
hey all,

I have been on this forum for a few months now just reading and browsing around. I have never really posted anything b4, and would love for some advice on this!

Ok so here's the kit i need to rec:

Now i am a little intimidated because i have never recorded a kit this big b4, and also i only have 8 inputs on my interface (fast track ultra 8r).

So here is my way of how i am thinking of recording these drums, and i wanna get suggestions on if u guys think how i am going to record these is a good idea, and/ or get better suggestions from you.

2 kicks - crappy mics cuz i am going to replace them with slate samples.
snare - midi triggered and miced.

3 out of 8 inputs used.

5 toms, all midi triggered - kontakt player w/ slate midi samples.
hi-hat miced
ride cymbal miced
2 over heads

7 out of 8 inputs used

8th input - drummer wants to play along with guitar player.

trust me i wish i could do this differently, this is the best way i can think of now.

You'd probably be better off losing the hi-hat mic and using it as a mono room mic instead...unless your room has horrible reverberations. Hats usually come out pretty well in the mix without a close mic.
why use crappy mics on the kicks if you are recording midi from the toms?

loose the kick mics and go midi for the kicks too, then add a bottom snare mic and a room mic to what you are micing already.
sweet, thanks guys. I will b using a td-3 drum module for midi, then into my interface.

I would do the kicks midi as well, but for some reason it sounds like when i hit a tom or any drum with a trigger and with an over head mic, the over head seems to get the tom sound first then the midi tom, i no they are both tuned toms with different sounds, but it sounds like there's a delay on the midi tom hit. I am recording in pro tools and have the playback engine going as low as it can on my machine witch is 128.

so i figured since this guy is mainly all over the cymbals he only uses the toms a little bit and if the midi toms where off time from the over head mics i would move the midi toms over a nudge to be exact with the overhead mics.
8th input - drummer wants to play along with guitar player.

what's this got to do with another input? he has to have the guitar player LIVE while he's recording? just get him a backing track of the previously recorded guitar player, it's silly to do that, even more if you're short on inputs

I say go all the drums on midi (mic the snare if you will), and get good overheads, room/hihat/ride etc. Andy sneap mentioned one of the most common mistakes he sees by amateur engineers is not recording the ride close up
Fucking gay ass drummers with gay double kick kit's.
Get him to fuck about with his setup and just use one kick drum, this saves you an input
Pre record guide guitars instead of doing them live, this saves an input
Trigger all your drums via MIDI

1 Over L
2 Over R
3 Hi hat
4 Ride/China
5 Snare Top
6 Snare Bottom
7 Kick
8 Room
Fucking gay ass drummers with gay double kick kit's.
Get him to fuck about with his setup and just use one kick drum, this saves you an input
Pre record guide guitars instead of doing them live, this saves an input
Trigger all your drums via MIDI

1 Over L
2 Over R
3 Hi hat
4 Ride/China
5 Snare Top
6 Snare Bottom
7 Kick
8 Room

I will back this up 100%, this is exactly what you should do
Personally, I never use triggers and rarely any sample replacement.

But I'm probably the only one here :D

i completely agree with the one kick, i asked him if he could only bring one and he said: "oh man, i like, don't have a good double bass pedal, my current one is broken" ... ah ok, fucking borrow one from someone else then, i'm thinking to myself!

and i asked him about the guitar also, i said so what we r going to do is track a scratch guitar first, then your going to play ur drums along to that. he's like: oOo i don't think that will work, there is alot of tempo/time sig's in the songs... I said i no this is why if we can nail the scratch gtr tracks to a click we'll track ur drums part by part. then he's like again, ah, i highly doubt that'll work man... So i said that's what we are goign to try first.

I am with you 100% on trying this method to, and i have decided to midi the entire kit.
and i asked him about the guitar also, i said so what we r going to do is track a scratch guitar first, then your going to play ur drums along to that. he's like: oOo i don't think that will work, there is alot of tempo/time sig's in the songs... I said i no this is why if we can nail the scratch gtr tracks to a click we'll track ur drums part by part. then he's like again, ah, i highly doubt that'll work man... So i said that's what we are goign to try first.
to that dude i would say "Who is the one recording people as a job and know's what they're doing? you? no not you, its me."
Most guitarists rely on the drummer for tempo. I've only been able to track a guitar scratch with a click and no drums for one band. Most just aren't tight enough to do it.