I'm listening to Strapping Young Lad for the first time.

En Vind Av Sorg said:
So did we discuss Synchestra here yet or did I miss that one, Im not sure what everyone thought of this one.

Yeah, in the Devin Townsend Thread (or whatever).

My verdict: great. But not Terria. His third best.
Dick Sirloin said:
Yeah, in the Devin Townsend Thread (or whatever).

My verdict: great. But not Terria. His third best.

Pretty much my thoughts too. Maybe even second to Terria honestly, although I doubt it will have to staying power that Terria did in the long run.
Yeah. It doesn't have songs like Terria where you say "Oh man, I just want to listen to ______ right now!" (see "Canada," Deep Peace," "The Fluke," etc.)
Okay so am I supposed to get Terria instead?

Stop confusing me, it is warping my fragile little mind.
Dick Sirloin said:
Yeah. It doesn't have songs like Terria where you say "Oh man, I just want to listen to ______ right now!" (see "Canada," Deep Peace," "The Fluke," etc.)

It has a few that are on that level, though no individual song as massive as Earth Day or anything I could picture going over as well live as some of the Ocean Machine stuff (with the obvious exception of Vampira). It does have a better opening stretch then Terria...Let It Roll/Hypergeek (I consider those one song) is an incredible way to start an album, and Triumph can compete with anything in his catalogue.

NAD: Yes...I'm in the "solo albums shit all over SYL" camp.
J. said:
Without hesitation. If you don't like Terria it's a safe bet you like watching guys figure skate.

I guess I enjoy watching guys figure skate then. For some reason, I prefer the all-out aggression of Strapping Young Lad to any Devin Townsend. Terria, Accelerated Evolution, and Synchestra did nothing for me. So...back to you NAD. :wave: