I'm listening to...

The Type-O Negative closed down their forums earlier today, now they're reopened apparently, with the admin posting on the website to play nice and announcing that statements by family and management will be made later on today. I'm pretty certain it's for real, this thing, Grutte Pier.

On a more happy note, here's Gabe Marshall doing drums for the new Suspyre album. Looking at this, it's going to be an amazing album! Can't wait!

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I'm waiting for official statements.
I don't like being fooled when it comes to life/death.

Btw I never understood Typo's popularity.

You never know with Type O, cause they've already delcared Steele dead once when they changed labels, but I'm afraid it's no joke this time.

np: Jon Oliva's Pain - Festival.. I love the changes to jazzy and bluesy parts is the song Afterglow as well as the unusual bassline
Terminal - Mind Destruction

Wow... never heard of this Polish prog metal band before, but they're totally blowing me away... very progressive with references to Porcupine Tree, Riverside and Pain Of Salvation, but still having their own sound. Brilliant.
An instrumental, classical version of Greensleeves. We're not supposed to listen to music at work, but my office mate, whom we shall call Chatty McCoworker, occasionally pops on a classical classic.

Alas! Chatty, you do do me wrong / to force these sleepy songs on me / For I have listened to you so long / and cannot take your chattery! :P

My must-listen list includes the two newest Jon Oliva's Pain releases and Shadow Gallery (never heard them before last week - eek!).
Just realized, this is your thread to bridge the 2008-2009 gap, Kirsty

We never stopped using it, cos you weren't there in 2009! Time for you to make your re-entry so we can start up a new thread, eh? :D

Mago de Oz - Molinos de Viento (live)
How about we keep this one going until after PP2010? We're half-way through this year and it would be a shame to split it up now.

The new year starts on October 3rd despite popular belief ;)