I'm listening to...

Oh, I really love progressive bands doing some truly progressive stuff, hence my love for bands like Akphaezya, Hacride, Dillinger Escape Plan etc... and I really respect PoS for always renewing themselves. It's just that prog bands doing blues usually go wrong for me, because they are having a hard time switching from creating something beautiful in a perfectionist way to a raw, whisky-soaked sound. Of course, they don't have to, but in that case I miss the real blues vibe in it. Besides, PoS is much better at doing disco ;)
Well, of course it's up to your taste if you like or dislike it, but please stop complaining about prog bands exploring some new roads (isn't that what road salt is all about?? ;)) and doing their very own PROGRESSIVE thing. IMVHO opinion you can complain about bands like Dream Theater, who stopped being really PROGRESSIVE after (at the very least) ToT doing the same boring thing over and over again (quite the opposite to what progressive really means...), but not about prog bands who really do PROGRESS...
I really like Road Salt (not as much as TPE, Remedy Lane and even Scarsick, but still), but that is another story :heh:

Just my two or three cents ;)
Peace, Love and Prog :Saint:

I wasn't complaining about anything, just expressing my opinion. Let me try to show you it doens't work for me.

Of course every band is free to evolve and progress into new roads . Overall, I feel the prog approach to records (wow, talk about generalization :cry:) doens't really seem to work with the blues feel. The "overproduced" sound many progbands create on their records works perfectly for the bombastic sounds (not restricted to any style) that are often created.
This (at least IMHO) doesn't seem to work with the raw, whiskey-dipped emotion that naturally seems to come with blues. The overall prog-sound is too clean to deliver these emotions.
Furtherso, blues-songs depend almost completely on emotion, whereas most prog musicians have a mixture of tehcnical musicianship and emotion in their sound. Therefore, it seems to me that many prog artist ahave a really hard time to deliver a blues feel and tone into their songs/productions.
This doesn't just count for POS, but also for other prog bands (e.g. the blues parts that Spock's Beard tried to incorporate).

I think prog and blues are in general are a bit of an odd mariage. I have heard bands incorporate the two in a brilliant way, but these seem to be exceptions. Whenever it does work, it works out brilliant, though.
Twisted Sister - Burn In Hell

Twisted Sister still reminds me of the tv show called Brainiac, where they tested the Twisted Sister song You Can't Stop Rock N Roll.
And every week the test had the same conclusion: You can't stop rock n roll? Yes you can, with....(fill in e.g. dynamite, acid, etc)

Rather off topic but I wanted to share this nontheless.
Cyclamen's re-recorded "Dreamers" EP (its nice Hayato got a band together) - very impatient for the first album to come out & to see some gigging. It goes part way to filling the void that Sikth left in my life :waah:

Also Mothlite, & eagerly awaiting the new album. The currently available tracks are great but having heard "Zebras" live twice now I want it on CD :rock: