Im loosing it trying to get a decent guitar sound


Martriden K
Jan 8, 2004
Spokane WA.
Ive got about jack and shit for knowledge about recording, but gave it a shot anyway. Ive been struggling my ass off and Think ive raised my blood pressure a few notches just getting this far.

Recorded an Inflames Riff from swim, I dont wanna lie and say real quick cause its taken my ass forever to figure out part of Nuendo, and some of its gizmo's, havent every posted anything before but would really like some direction on where you guys think i should go from here to get this somewhere listenable.

1984 Gibson explorer reissue(emg 81)-Engl Savage 120- Engl XXL cab- Audix I-5 - Firepod- Nuendo- Hi pass filter at 10Khs and low pass at 60.

Ez drummer with Drumkit from hell,

Shitty ibanez bass with Sansamp bass driver Direct into Firepod( dont have a clue what im doing with this thing)

Four tracks of rythem guitar panned 100 right and left and 90% right and left.

First run through the riff is The audix just at the edge of the dustcap, second run through is about an 1/8 of an inch closer in. second sounds a bit tighter to me.

Im such a noob that i cant figure out how to Raise the damn volume of the recording without making nuendo clip, and have no idea about Mastering software or any of that jazz, I just export the file to MP3.

Any help would be most appreciated.
I don't know if your micing is good or not, but you should get a decent sound by correct micing already, this sounds a bit weird to me, it doesn't sound really clear. Did you equalize the guitars?
Also try just one guitar track left and right, this way you'll have a better idea about what you're doing when messing around with it.
So, you're from Martriden?
I listened to your album The unsettling dark about year ago and pretty much liked it.
Move the mic way way way way wayyy closer to the dust cap, this sounds really hollow cos of the edge micing.
Really boomy aswell, but a thin cut at around 100hz will basically remedy that.

Also, when you high pass and low pass, low pass at 10khz and then add a high shelf at 10khz and add anywhere from 3db to 8db, depending on the tracks. This'll add the shimmer back in without any of the fizzy shite you don't want.
I don't know if your micing is good or not, but you should get a decent sound by correct micing already, this sounds a bit weird to me, it doesn't sound really clear. Did you equalize the guitars?
Also try just one guitar track left and right, this way you'll have a better idea about what you're doing when messing around with it.
So, you're from Martriden?
I listened to your album The unsettling dark about year ago and pretty much liked it.

Well i agree one hundred percent that it sounds weird, and no i havent done any equalizing to the guitars everyone says that 98% percent of your tone should be the amp, cab and playing, and well the savage sure doesnt suck, I refuse to say the cab sucks since i almost broke my spine getting its huge 140 pound peace of shit down the narrow ass stairs,( For that reason it does suck), and im not the worst guitar player so the mystery continues, My only other idea, is that its the room im doing it in. there is a huge freezer about 2 feet away from the front of the cab, but i dont have anywhere else to put it where i can actually here my monitors. Savage is super loud! I will post a picture of the mic placement and the room shortly.

Thanks for the kind words about the band, Im actually the guitar player Shane, this is my brothers account kyle who is the keyboard player.
We are beginning to get ready to record our second album and im having a hell of a time trying to get our demos put down.
Move the mic way way way way wayyy closer to the dust cap, this sounds really hollow cos of the edge micing.
Really boomy aswell, but a thin cut at around 100hz will basically remedy that.

Also, when you high pass and low pass, low pass at 10khz and then add a high shelf at 10khz and add anywhere from 3db to 8db, depending on the tracks. This'll add the shimmer back in without any of the fizzy shite you don't want.

Its funny that you want it even closer to the dustcap cause that recording was Pretty damn close About three inches away maybe even closer then that, I will definitely try the high shelf and see what happens, I really do appreciate the help guys and i will get some photos of the mic placement.
I'd try backing the mic up a couple inches, sounds like you've got massive proximity effect problems. If it sounds fizzy, then move it to the right an inch or so, away from the dust cap.
Pretend there is a mesh grill on the front of the cab and put the mic about an inch back from where that would be. I can't tell from the angle of the picture but it almost looks like the mic is "inside" the speaker cone.

BTW In Flames - Swim riff right? The tempo sounds very slow FWIW
ya it was, like i said Im not the Brightest box of rocks in the shed, This is quickly turning into a what not to do thread. So i backed up the mic about 2-3 inches, Im still not sure if im doing the Low cut filter and high cut filter right but it seems better.

Ya it is really slow, I will get some of our original shit on here as soon as this tone issue gets adjusted
Definitly sounds better. Do you have a 57 to try instead of the i5? What kind of cab is that anyways?
I do not, But im gonna pick one up this weekend. I do have a second I-5 but since im Having such a pain in the ass as is i figured i should just simplify things and leave the on/off axis business alone. Its an Engl XXL cab i took the grill off so i could see alot better in that small room.
What Do I need to get the overall Volume of the Recording up? Do i need to export the wave file into somesort of mastering software? Or is there something i can do on Nuendo to increase the volume? If i need mastering software do you guys know of any decent free ones?

By the way thanks for helping me out, my recordings are actually starting to sound like A savage 120!!
Still sounds kinda hollow and distant, which is really strange considering how you've miced it.

How loud is the amp when you're recording it?
Master is at 12:00 and Lead Volume is at 11:00, cant get it much louder without knocking everything off the shelves. I will turn the contour off tomorrow and record something, that might help, it allways seems so damn midrangy though when i do.
You don't have to get THAT loud. I find that it should be uncomfortable to listen to without earplugs, not so much ear-burstingly loud.

haha, well i guess i will turn it down then, is that gonna change tone that much though? is the mic not picking up everything or some business like that?