i'm merry

Peter Day

Oct 14, 2001
Ickleford. Hitchin.UK
and if anybody says they are Pippin they are dead!!!!!!!!!!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!

hey how the devil is everyone???
sorry i'm a bit happy as have been down pub celebrating a magnificent album release by the mighty Saxon.but hey thats not everyones cup of tea okay.

So who is going to what gig in the near future and would you like to meet up.
My plans are several saxon gigs but lets ignore those as they are so close.

in the future i have Biomechanical at the underworld.
machine head
hopefully Therapy?
the Darkness with a load of friends cause it is fun.
Motorhead cause it is an institution and i will get a kicking if i do not go!!!
Mike tramp errrrr old times sake and it is good time rock n roll.
Tyketto ditto

so can we have a crimbo gig from 54, please do not do teh Blaze gig i can't go (selfish bastrad me )????????????? i think we ought to have one, guests only........ me me me me me!!!!!

righty oh i'm off as i have hassled the airwaves long enough.he he .

everyone take care and catch upwith you all soon, preferably at an Area 54 gig.

I really really wanted to go to the Darkness, but never got tickets in time, tho they are loosing their appeal to me now!! The novelty is wearing a bit thin!!
I've got no gigging plans at this time. I love gigs, but have a lack of people to go with. Plus I need all my money and time for other purposes - evil world domination plans, I'm afraid.

I'd see Motörhead again for a laugh, but certain friends of mine just take the piss. I know it's not exactly complex material Motörhead write, and it's more akin to punk than anything else, and that it has a tendancy to be a bit samey, but their gigs are great!

I saw them at Leeds Uni last October, and had fun.
I just explain that you can get drunk by simply being in the same room as Lemmy. Although last year I got toothache due to the bass and strobes during Overkill.

Currently in a bit of dilemma about who to see next weekend, Saxon or Fourwaykill and Mercury Rain...
let me help you out with the awkward desicion Diamond Dave.......SAXON!
not that i'm biased or anything :D
thats a good explaniation of why to go see lemmy and co play. Oh i agree with you there Matt, very much the same everytime i've seen them, but that for me is the appeal, you know you are going to get classics and new ones side by side, be able to party and just enjoy it. Surely world domination of the evil type includes worshipping the great Lemmy's body shattering bass sound.........(proof that it works, able to induce toothache)

Yeah the Darkness thing is really a crimbo get together for several of us, i think there are 12 of us going now so whatever happens it will be a laugh. Yep the music/songs are wearing a bit thin now, still it'll be fun.
Dave: Definately see the Kill.

Gigs for me (Having just hit the DragonForce gig last week):
Alchemist this Tuesday (supporting some tiny act called Cult Of Luna for some odd reason)
Biomechanical/Fourwaykill on the 30th in London
Motorhead/Sep next month
Sunn 0))) next month

All in Manchester of corse
