I'm moving!


Brilliant Bastards!!
Feb 20, 2002
Harrow, London
To London! Oh noes!

Just got a job with Sony which starts in January sometime. So i'll be needing a place to live, any advice folks? The job is in Oxford Circus but i should think anywhere around there will cost a bomb to live in so i'll probably have to live somewhere further out and tube it in. So any nice places or places i should steer clear of?
No idea about living in London (don't think I could ever do that myself tbh), but good luck to yer sunshine!
:lol: Rockstar was months ago! Basically i've been to 14 interviews, 13 of those were games companies and all of them turned me down, apart from one who happened to go belly up 2 years ago and can't quite offer me a job at the moment to but are hoping to in the new year and i've been told to steer clear of them :lol:.

They Sony job is programming the demo discs that come with new playstations or the official playstation mags. It'll get me some good experience with console programming and general C/C++ and will look great on my CV and can lead me into the games industry in a couple of years if i wish. The package they're offering is pretty cool and i'm rather excited about it!

@Ayeka.. yeah i'm not too keen on it being London what with expensive living costs and it being a terrorist hotspot, but it's the only offer i've been given after quite a lot a job hunting and i've gotta grab what's hopefully gonna be a pretty good job for me!
@Ayeka.. yeah i'm not too keen on it being London what with expensive living costs and it being a terrorist hotspot, but it's the only offer i've been given after quite a lot a job hunting and i've gotta grab what's hopefully gonna be a pretty good job for me!

Oh, spot the dog! Still, rather you than me :p
hmm unfortunately theres nothing cheap in london :( id try looking into places in north london, my friend lived in Kentish town for a while, she said it wasnt too pricey and had good transport links..

(ps. ur job sounds cool)
I've been going round central London on my own at night since I was 13 and I haven't once been mugged, had a knife to my throat several times:p but they got nothing!! So...I dunno...don't worry about it and have fun.

Cheap wise, nothing's cheap, tins before going to any pubs/gigs, pack a lunch and you should look into living in Kilburn or somewhere round there that's on the Jubilee line since it's a short ride into real London.

London rules fo' shizzle
Looks like i may initially be looking to rent in the Wembley area as that's on the Bakerloo line as well as Oxford Circus which is where the office is so i could just clamber on the tube and not have to change which would make things easy. Hopefully if i can get my start date sorted i can pop over this friday to look at some places.
i can see wembley stadium from my halls :D my friend on the 11th floor so she can see eeevvverrrything..if you move there we'll be sad and sit in her flat occasionally waving towards wembley at you :D