I'm moving!

lived in halls in south ken and south ealing when i was living in london and also a flat in earls court. the place in south ealing was walking distance from the gsk building (could see the m4 from my window, so han's view is miles better)
I went pass the GSK building! not sure which building was yours though Cavegirl!

I was zooming around Harrow area (Someone on here lives round Harrow i noticed a while ago) mostly and found somewhere near South Harrow tube station that i'm gonna try and secure tomorrow. I missed out by the skin of my teeth on the most perfect flat for me ever! So pissed off about that, but the other place will be nice too so all will be well!

Hopefully will be able to move in Dec 29th... so close! So little time! What with going down to Cornwall for xmas i've got only this week to sort things out basically! Hope i can get it done all in time!
It's next to a fucking graveyard xD xD xD

Like literally the other side of the bedroom wall is a huge graveyard! Any moaning heard at night is the zombies! Honest!

yeah its bloody annoying! he puts it on sometimes, opens the window, goes into the courtyard below for a fag (coz god forbid he cant smoke fags in there only weed) and sits for 10 minutes having a fag and listening to his music in the background whilst we all sit in the flat with our brains dribbling out of our ear holes...oh and its not just the music either, hes a f*cking slob!? he cooks, makes a mess, eats and makes a mess AND THEN leave his dirty plates to fester in the side sink for weeks before one of us gets fed up the smell of dead people and cleans them.........yeah..so..can i come live with you :(