I'm presenting evidence for possibly the greatest metal song ever - "Desperate Cry"


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

How can you be a fan of metal and not consider this an absolute anthem. Just click HERE and watch for yourselves. Live version awaits.

Riff / time changes galore, perfect mid-tempo 'head banging' pace...that fucken machine gun riff at 2:40m....and then the heavy metal epicness at 3:15...

You know a band is great / classic / unique / timeless when nobody even comes close to touching this level of genius.

Max and Igor Cavelara....ay ay ay ay ay! :headbang:

disclaimer: If not the best, then top 10 evAr.
I love the fadeout at the end, my favorite part of an awesome tune. :kickass:

I think I'd honestly take Dead Embryonic Cells as my pick of the litter from the album in question tbh tub wiu 82c.
Yeah I thought that for a while, but specifically AFTER watching this video, I'm reminded now that this is THE song. That open E string maching gun riffing against the tribal drumming is out of this world.
*finally clicks link*
*unleashes ponytail*


Hmm, perhaps you're right. :loco:

I'm really glad I got to see them live before Max left. Fucking killer energy those boys.
NADatar said:
*finally clicks link*
*unleashes ponytail*


Hmm, perhaps you're right. :loco:

I know I'm on to something....[/herculepoirot]

I'm really glad I got to see them live before Max left. Fucking killer energy those boys.

I did as well, but it was on the Roots tour. I missed them completely on the Arise tour and that's a shame.

I still need to get that Under Siege DVD.
JayKeeley said:
I did as well, but it was on the Roots tour. I missed them completely on the Arise tour and that's a shame.
Yeah, I saw them in '96. Even though Roots and Chaos A.D. are my favorite from them, there's no doubt they were a different animal say 5 years before.
JayKeeley said:
So glad we all come here to talk music.

As is indicative of the Moonspell thread that got bumped 4 times but still ended up seeing less responses than a thread about Deputy Barlow. :Smug:

Hey man, I'm all about the music.
Yeah but that Barlow thread went off topic because you said he was Kip Winger. :lol:

If you want a thread to generate some buzz, just mention Winger and you'll be on 2 pages in no time. :loco:
i hate to say this ... and you just made me realize this ... but the Sep boys did not have the staying power with me as other acts from the era ... and I was there from day one of Bestial Devastation on Cogumelo ...

the shit records have outnumbered the good ones by this point ...

but kudos must go out to Igor for most improved drumming from one disc to the next ... EVER ... from MV to Schizoprenia
i dislike thrash, most of it anyway, but Seps is one band i can listen to these days with no problem.

keep your slayers, metallicas, megadaves, testaments, anthraxs... they aint got shit on the Seps.
Im going to be totally honest here:

1) Thats the first time I've heard a real Sepultura song aside from snippets of shit from the newer albums

2) that was completely awesome, I loved it

3) I know that im totally ghey for not listeneing to them before, dont remind me, just tell me which album to get first to correct my years of stupidity