I'm presenting evidence for possibly the greatest metal song ever - "Desperate Cry"

Okay I think I'll order Beneath the remains and Schizophrenia when I get payed friday. I checked out some other earyl tracks, and I have a feeling these albums will be ones I will kick myself for not having bought sooner.
I love the part of the song that sounds like worms crawling on a corpse in an old Hammer horror flick. You know what part I'm talking about
En Vind Av Sorg said:
Im going to be totally honest here:

1) Thats the first time I've heard a real Sepultura song aside from snippets of shit from the newer albums

2) that was completely awesome, I loved it

3) I know that im totally ghey for not listeneing to them before, dont remind me, just tell me which album to get first to correct my years of stupidity

Actually, I never take for granted what some people might think "obvious" at this point.

Sepultura are SO good, it's really difficult not to love them. No other thrash band captured this much "tribal / jungle" atmosphere.

Wait 'till you hear "Altered State". It's like you've walked through a jungle to find a hidden city of Mayan pyramids.

Personally, I would start with BtR and Arise and then work your way backwards.
Hey this is my first time really hearing a Sepultura song and by damn... JK is on to something here! :loco: No way is this the best metal song ever, but it has fucking energy!
I'm gonna check out that Moonspell album eventually, however I still haven't completely washed the bad taste of their last one out of my mouth so give it some time! There are too many other good-great releases out so far this year... this is really putting 2004-05 in perspective!
Erik said:
yeah though i suppose the longer you wait, the dumber you will feel for waiting that long huh

well I'm listening to a sample of "Memento Mori" right now and not really seeing what all the fuss is about. Better than their last few, for sure, but I'll need to hear more to sell me on this one.
at the time i was thinking "fuck it, how much better could it possibly be than whatever other albums of theirs I used to listen to?" so yeah

but i will indeed download something.. that clip had no variety. i need a better impression of what they're bringing to the table this time.
Need a Seps thread....this one will do...

Schizophrenia is so much better than I had remembered. It's like BtR except not quite as dark and cavernous. The drumming is just spot on, especially in terms of pacing -- I can't stand that BAM BAM BAM thrash. Give me some fucken creativity. Also, Kisser's solos on Schizophrenia are outstanding. I've said it before, what a waste of talent.
the musical leap from Morbid Visions to Schizophrenia is like the greatest leap in the history of music ...

and Kisser is doing a solo record for your listening pleasure.
Kisser's work on "To the Wall" is second-to-none. "Escape to the Void", "From the Past..." are also excellent.

"Inquisition Symphony" is a fantastically underrated instrumental too.

Great album. I need to spend a lot more time with this.
the musical leap from Morbid Visions to Schizophrenia is like the greatest leap in the history of music ...

and Kisser is doing a solo record for your listening pleasure.

I always thought Morbid Visions made up for in innovation what it lacked in technical proficiency. I remember that album scaring the fucking daylight out of me even in 19 bloody 90, and not many albums from the 80s could make that fucking claim! :kickass:
LOL ... yeah, it had that weird hollow production that sounded creepy. It kind of continues on Schizophrenia a bit. Couple that with the fact that back then, before the Internet and Buttman, Brazil was a "mysterious" place and you have a winner.
I remember owning BtR on tape back when it was first released -- after some glorious 10/10 review in UK's Metal Hammer -- and I spent ages reading through their "thank you" list trying to figure out who these other bands were: all evil sounding underground band names from Brazil. Nowaday, you can just go to metal archives or google a band, but back then you were just left wondering...yeah, Brazil seemed like this dark, tribal, scary breeding ground for horror and death. :kickass:
LOL ... yeah, it had that weird hollow production that sounded creepy. It kind of continues on Schizophrenia a bit. Couple that with the fact that back then, before the Internet and Buttman, Brazil was a "mysterious" place and you have a winner.

Well, come on, you should know how big a suckers we were for that crap over here! :lol:
LOL ... yeah, Morbid Visions' production had a lot to do than with the Norwegian scene?
Early Sepultura rules so fucking hard, and I find that I sometimes forget that. I go for long periods of time without listening to them and then when I do I am blown away every time. I need to replace my Arise disc. It got fucked up. I remember buying that album in highschool the same week I bought Reign in Blood. It was a glorious week in my Metal progression.

In the spirit of the original post:

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