I'm selling original kayo Dot and motw album artwork - look here!


Nov 9, 2001
So, I'm impossibly broke thus have decided to try and sell the original paintings/drawings of some of the artwork that has appeared on our albums. Many of these were later slightly enhanced digitally, so they seem more like elements of artwork as opposed to final artwork. Also, some I would not really consider "good" paintings - they will be mostly of interest to people who just like those particular albums a lot causing the artwork will mean something to them. I am not asking specific prices for these; if you're interested, just get in touch and tell me how much you'd be willing to spend.


"Choirs of the Eye" cover drawing,
pencil on paper (black on white) 5.5" x 5.5"

Split with Bloody Panda gatefold painting, four panels,
watercolor on paper, (pre-digital) about 40" x 10"

Library Loft cover painting,
water color on brown paper, (pre-digital), about 9" x 6"

"Leaving Your Body Map" cover painting,
watercolor on paper, (with notes and elements) about 4.5" x 4.5"

"Bath" cover painting,
watercolor on paper (with notes and elements) about 4.5" x 4.5"

"My Fruit Psychobells" cover painting,
watercolor on paper, (pre-digital) 10.5" x 14"

"My Fruit Psychobells" eight-panel goblins with well painting,
watercolor on paper, two 4" x 12" pages and one 4" x 8" page

motw sticker original drawing,
pen on paper, about 3" x 6"

"My Fruit Psychobells" goblins with tape recorder,
watercolor on paper, (pre-digital) 8.5" x 8.25"
thanks josh :(

hey, do you guys think I should make prints of certain pictures (e.g Library Loft) instead of selling the originals? Due to the regret factor, plus they could be sold for a lot cheaper? only problem is that I would probably need a couple hundred bucks to even get that idea going. ok nevermind i guess that settles that issue.
i like the idea of the prints.

this is even more time-consuming, and i haven't thought about the deeper ramifications of this - but a series of hand-painted one-of-a-kind versions of your discs? like, variations of the printed illustrations?

eh, just an idea.

what josh said.
and yeah, i like goatschool's idea. as long as you have rights to repressing music n stuff, i say limited hand-done cd-rs is awesome. maybe a ltd spoonion cd-r release? even if done in only 25 or 50, you know ppl will eat it up.
The CD-R thing is a great idea, barring an inability to make prints. I don't think I could bring myself to buy one of those originals...

What kind of margin do you make off of direct sales of albums/tshirts/etc? I've been bothering all of my friends to buy your stuff, but damn if they're not all cheap and lazy.

Oh, and +1000 to the idea of seeing that 8-panel goblin painting framed.
toby. here's a public suggestion for you. you should do another solo record, or perhaps an ep. you could definitely find a label to do it. do something simple and lo-fi, that you can record in your bedroom. maybe just you and a guitar. it's still going to have your own strange stamp on it. and mastering will make it sound better.
unless you are having massive writers block, why not?

you can always do this yourself too, and do limited cd-rs.

but i do think you should do another solo release on a label. go look for one if they havent approached you yet. i dont have enough spare money to do a release for you myself.
Do preoders of Prints, cash in and do them prints, handnumbered and that's it.

Or send a digital copy to tinyshowcase.com and see if they are into the idea of selling your stuff there. They do runs of 100 at 20$ each and they sell out more often than not.