I'm selling original kayo Dot and motw album artwork - look here!

But think of this: a songbook of motW opens the floodgates for lots of mediocre bands doing their awkward renditions of They Aren't All Beautifull and/or Gleam In Ranks. Think, tribute album!
on AIM:
[chupe666]: bill, wtg? why does MSN's Music tracklisting database show the Bath reissue only having one L in Beautifull for They Aren't All Beautifull?
[MICROSOFT_DOOD478]: Excuse me?
[chupe666]: haven't you ever seen that one movie?
[MICROSOFT_DOOD478]: How did you get this AIM name?
[chupe666]: i don't have time to answer that. are you gonna fix it or what?
[MICROSOFT_DOOD478]: Being the head of a corporation means I have people who have people who have people who do that sort of thing. I have to make uninformative appearances on MSNBC.
[chupe666]: w/e
[MICROSOFT_DOOD478]: If you find a discrepancy in our database, you may contact MSN directly.
[chupe666]: so does that database have an Oracle back end?
[chupe666]: i'm talkin to you
[MICROSOFT_DOOD478]: I cannot comment on what software we do or do not use.
[chupe666]: did you hear the new Behold the Arctopus / Orthrelm split?
[MICROSOFT_DOOD478]: The one with the cover art by Away from Voivod? No, not yet.
[chupe666]: poser
[MICROSOFT_DOOD478]: I have it on mailorder.
[chupe666]: yeah right, and you donated all the revenue from that 30% profit margin in 2005 to charity
[MICROSOFT_DOOD478]: Shut it. What's a maudlin of the Well, anyway?
Hey Toby because I'm slow + stupid I just today sent my check for the goblin taperecorder radness BUT!!! I also included a free gift which I hope you enjoy. And if not feel free to donate it to your favoritelocalcharity/friendinneed/homelessdude.