I'm Sloshed.

^ yeah it's really 18 everywhere in europe, but COOOMMEEE ON
no one checks IDs there like they do in the states, if you know the bartender in your neighborhood, he'll serve you beer regardless to your age without the fear of him "going to jail", AND your parents give you alcohol at home because...
its not a big deal!
I know... because that's how I grew up.
Alcohol should not be a big deal in your world. You should be able to drink whenever you want to drink, and to be mature enough to know when not to, when you shouldn't. When people start making excuses to why they drink or when, :then they have a problem.

but hey, it's just a different culture....

beer anyone?
True, but some bartenders and police alike can be right tight-arses.

As for the beer, I'll pass for now thanks. Still recovering.
My parents have always given me booze at home... so I tend to be able to drink extreme amounts of booze. But, I actually get drunker off of beer for some reason...
True, but some bartenders and police alike can be right tight-arses.

As for the beer, I'll pass for now thanks. Still recovering.

nah-uh, really?
I've been drinking beer in Europe ever since I was 14.. in bars...
Maybe I'm just "old" and things have changed? maybe it's easier for girls?
I never had problems... my family travels like 3-2 a year all over Europe, many times I would be on my own, while my parents were out. Me with just a friend all over France, Holland, Germany, Belgium...., and we would roam the streets...
go into bars... no problem... most local bars don't care... and the police have
better things to do... I grew up in israel: there was never a problem..
you're 16? go ahead enter a bar...
I don't know, maybe things have changed and I just don;t notice it
now that I'm 27? could be.
But I remember being 14 in Europe... things were a lot simple back then....
Oh and to answer a previous question, my pissing patterns when drinking utah beer are about 1 trip every 1 1/2 beers.

That was the first thing I noticed when I moved to utah, was that when I drink the beer I started pissing ALOT, and I already tend to piss alot (as some have seen). The upside to all this though, no hangovers.
The UK is harsher than continental Europe on underage drinking. Spain and Italy happily served me as a 14yr old kid, Malta too for that matter. 16yr old kids would have a hard time entering a non-rural pub and getting served unless they looked ridiculously older.

My background is working/middle class. Alcohol was the release from a hard days work. It is in my genes to drink daily and barely feel it, but I don't.
The day I turned 21, I went to the convenience store to buy a half rack, and they didn't even card me. Major letdown :(
The licences are pretty hard to get, but I know a reasonable amount of bars that have them. Also, we've been getting around the licencing laws for years by serving food with beer as early as 7am. I know a bar that sells ale from 8am providing you buy hot food with it (A microwaved sausage roll!). :lol:

AND where I'm from the bars don't pay any attention to licencing hours anyways. :)