I'm sorry.

Neither one of them would ever fitght for the people. Also, let's not forget that most of what people want to blaim Bush for is actually the fault of the Congress. They bowed to political pressure understanding that they must play the lowest common denominator. They play to the ignorant because that's what we are. The bottom line is that, as apolitician, I get to sell my voters to the highest bidder. It doesn't matter if I take kickbacks from the local power company to overlook the cancer they're causin', who's gonna know? The oil/auto industry that supports us showing bigger and bigger trucks while the idea of taxing oil is demonized by both parties... that's just good business. It won't make CNN because advertising profits outwiegh righteousness and journalism. If it doesn't make CNN, it doesn't reach the majority.

They're sittin' up there in their penthouses thinkin' they've got us licked. They think that We the People have been conquered by enterprise. They think that they can contol us with the television news networks. They think that we'll lose interest in politics just like the hippies did in the 70s.

They think we're going to change the channel.

Well I'm going to continue researching Central Asia. I'm going to keep trying to broaden the debate on foreign policy. I will try to do so better.

I propose that we need to take the power of our government back from the special interests. The only way I see to do so is through congress.

We need to take the power back.

Let's start with something about which we can all agree. Write to your representatives that it is unacceptable that our troops don't have armor plating on their HVs. Tell them that you will organize a movement against their re election if they don't comply. This is absurd and it makes me sick. If we make enough noise about this, things will get done. This is how the system works. Threaten the fuck out of your reps. Let them know that you are a man/woman on a mission and you will not rest until every unit which goes on patrol has full armor.

Tell them to outsource if they have to. FUCK!!!! Let's get this done first. Let's unite for this one clear demant. We can talk about the rest later.

Research your rep and hold them responsible.
