"Silent Hill"


Neuroses Facilitator
I have been having quite the shitty run of life lately, so I went and drove for a while. I went by a movie theater and pulled what I normally never do, the old 'let's just walk up and see what's playing' routine. I had seen previews of this and I thought they were mildly promising, so I decided on that.

I got in while the previews were going (Could Mission:Imposible III look any worse? I doubt it...:erk: ) So I did catch the beginning of this thing...and god, what a friggin' waste. This thing was so bad from the very beginning, just a bunch of non-sensical bullshit. I started an infectious chorus of yawning every five minutes which was rightfully followed by at least 7 people.

The only redeemable thing about this movie was the effects. And lets be honest, nowadays those types are really nothing special anymore. This movie was laughable (unintentionable) at numerous parts. It could have taken a completely different turn and made it worthwile if they only had Radha Mitchell and the female cop start having some hard-core lesbian action during a couple very dike-appropriate moments. But instead, they sadly cut away to another scene.:mad:

In closing, after numerous looks at my watch for the time and giving it the maximum 90 minutes I could physically take, I got up and left while the movie was still going. I have no idea of the ending and could care less.

What a piece of dogshit. Don't waste your money.
I dunno, maybe it'll be ok if you knos the games? I played 2.3 and am playing 4 now, so maybe that'll make a difference? I dunno, I dont think it has been released over here yet :(
I went to the cinema last night to see Silent Hill and I must say I was well impressed with it. It was a really good thriller/horror type movie with lots of mutants/monstery things running about and visually was quite stunning (something like myself in other words:D). Quite creepy and spooky as well and those giant cockroach things and that big dude with the giant sword and metal mask thing on his head creeped me out bigtime. I would give it a big 9 out of 10. Will definitely get it out when it goes to DVD!!
silent hill as a movie, had no leg to stand on.
as i have said word for word several times now, they relied too heavily on cgi and to be fair, its not advanced enough for them to do this so the aesthetics of the movie were ruined for me, its looked like a low budget piece fo crap, and evidently, the PR was better than the movie itself.
also, they seemed to take things directly from other movies, even though a million other movies could have done them, its looked too much like the things from the other movies in question.
for instance, the ash falling from the sky like snow-schildlers list(at 1st it was thought to be snow untill someone rubbed it and it was black)
this type of thing happened a few times.

it was generally far too predictable, but i expect that these days, ESP with over hyped american movies, as they are notoriously appauling.

as a movie based on a game, it is true that it stuck well to the plot, i will give it that and not argue otherwise for even a second.

and as a horror, it was just laughable. it had two gratuitous boobie shots in a row though, which was the highlight of the movie.
is it wrong that i thought those nurses were hot?, lol.

as a movie geek.....i hold this in the same basket as elektra which i still regret with all my heart for seeing.

drull, boring, overhyped.


(ha, i just reposted this from a rant i had my another forum....pure lazyness, :P)