I just finished watching King Arthur...

demon ethereal said:
reply or else i will assume you agree with this guy that i am a dumb bitch....you probabaly do right? right? right DEAREST??? :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
its some random guy on the internet calm down

eric is like this guy * 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 why did you ever talk to him if such people have an effect on you, so you know how it feels or something along those lines

and no i dont agree
Well I have seen it now and think that it was pretty cool. I went expecting a good action movie and that is what I got. WHo cares if it is accurate historically anyway coz it is based on myth/legend.
the movie is one of the worst i have ever seen in my life.

first: battles had almost no blood. only at the final battle there was some blood smeared in their faces, but that was it.
second: WHAT? was it too difficult to research a tiny little bit? why didnt they just call it King Juan or something, why king arthur if it had nothing to do with arthurian legends? how can lancelot die before cheating on arthur wtih guinevieve (sp?) why is merlin not arthurs advisor? why did arthur take the sword to defend his mother, whom he never even MET actually? god, even DISNEY was more accurate than they were!
third: the cheesiness. the stupid "manly" jokes, the cheesy song bors wife sings "hooome hoooome" and the horrible pathetic music in the sex scene.
third: the predictability. lancelot says "if i die when i dont want to fight in that war, dispose of my body this way" means= "i will die later in this movie"

it SUCKED. it was AWFUL. no one should see this movie. the best thing of the whole thing was the previews of "the village". i want to see that.
Violet Baudelaire said:
the movie is one of the worst i have ever seen in my life.

first: battles had almost no blood. only at the final battle there was some blood smeared in their faces, but that was it.
second: WHAT? was it too difficult to research a tiny little bit? why didnt they just call it King Juan or something, why king arthur if it had nothing to do with arthurian legends? how can lancelot die before cheating on arthur wtih guinevieve (sp?) why is merlin not arthurs advisor? why did arthur take the sword to defend his mother, whom he never even MET actually? god, even DISNEY was more accurate than they were!
third: the cheesiness. the stupid "manly" jokes, the cheesy song bors wife sings "hooome hoooome" and the horrible pathetic music in the sex scene.
third: the predictability. lancelot says "if i die when i dont want to fight in that war, dispose of my body this way" means= "i will die later in this movie"

it SUCKED. it was AWFUL. no one should see this movie. the best thing of the whole thing was the previews of "the village". i want to see that.
1. There will be a R-rated version on DVD containing blood and gore.
2. It wasn't supposed to be a movie about that story, it is supposed to be a different story that don't contain wizards and magic swords.
And since the story you just told has doesn't have proof either so anyone can make up any story about Arthur as they pleased.
There were many historical errors in this movie yes, like the crossbow and the fact that there is a pope and other errors but other then that it is a good story.
if they were going to make up a new story, it shouldve been a good one, then, because the "story" in this one sucked. pointless and uninspiring. and you cannot dispute the fact that it WAS cheesy and predictable.

their being pagan didnt make any sense, as they were all really catholic and went on for the holy grail and blablabla. but from a modern point of view, i understand why everyone felt it was nice that these medieval characters were so deep and unwilling to accept catholicism. but doesnt make sense.

and the acting sucked. and in the love scene when they kissed, there was like a thread of spit between kiera-s and arthurs mouth. come on. it SUCKED. completely.
You are to focused on the old story.
Yes the acting could have been better(stellan skarsgård did a good job tho) especially Keira sucked really bad.
During that time period there were no catholics(not in the western roman empire).
The samarian knights are based on a historical fact(but if they were really called knights I don't know) so they would be pagan.
saxons: owned except for the bald son

Trebuchets? Crossbows? In the 5th century? Give me a break.

Also I liked how they triied to make the warlord a bad guy by maling him un-pc.


I didn't like this movie at all, mostly because of the lousy acting that several people have mentioned. Without good acting a movie can't be good. The ending was so cheesy that I laughed out loud, those three horses in slow-motion and everything. The battles were boring to, the heroes were so fucking overpowered and there was no blood at all.

A waste of time and money IMHO.
What do you expect from Hollywood these days? Maybe they should do some research and also stop re-making classic movies eg The Ring, Vanilla Sky, Dawn of the Dead, Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Lady Killers, Chronicles of Narnia (this is going to be horrible).
Well Disney are creating it in NZ instead of England or even Ireland. I am sure they are going to screw it up like they have with other fairytales.
well, for sure this thread doesn't make one want to go to the cinema and watch this movie...

Violet Baudelaire said:
the movie is one of the worst i have ever seen in my life.

first: battles had almost no blood.
lol, you're so metal violet :p
yes, theres more to a movie than blood... of course. but if it doesnt have a decent story, decent acting, or basically ANYTHING to offer... it should at least have nice bloody gory battles :p

and yeah, its worth downloading. or renting. or even going to the cinema. as long as you dont go expecting much.