The Dark Knight

I am Legend was one of the most disappointing movies I have ever seen. It was hyped up and both endings were dry. Granted, I haven't read the book.
I finally got to watch the movie last night and it was indeed amazing. I really need to watch it again to have it all fully sink in. I get too excited watching movies sometimes.

As far as all the stuff before I do end up breaking down many things music, books, movies into philosophical points, that is what I do for my studies. It is not something I enjoy to do outside of a classroom or outside of my study time. For a while, I was doing so much theory work that I could not even listen to music on my way home without breaking it down into higher meaning. That annoyed the living hell out of me. To me, breaking down stuff is my job and is definitely not the way I like to relax and view life. There is a time and place for both things. Granted I might really like some pretentious films, but I do try to enjoy everything. Hopefully the second time I watch the movie, I hope I don't spend it breaking down things...:erk:
i'm downloading it
movie venues disgust me, especially the kinepolis ones, i suppose some people know kinepolis.
like asking 6 euro for the movie, once inside they put you always in the worst seat there is (no, choosing where you sit is not allowed)
you can't find more expensive drinks (1/8 cola, 7/8 water) crisps and candies and other stuff
even toilet is about 30 cents
and at the end you just lost 15 euro for a movie (it would be okay if it's a good one, but sometimes i feel seriously ripped
no way i go there again:lol:
yes you can, but maybe if you pay a bit more or use those computers up there to buy your tickets
but for all that money, what do i got more?
a huge view and sound, but maybe a tree of a guy in front of me, or some couple making annoying noises
good comfortable seats
and subtitles.
i'll rather download or borrow or something:)
"maybe a tree of a guy in front of me" :lol: too bad when it happens...

I went to the movies once where the venue was huge and it was full. The movie was "the Grudge 2" :lol:. BUT someone had this GREAT idea to come with his/her little baby (so cute....) who was screaming/crying and couldn't shut the f*** up cause it was a baby !!
lol, I downloaded Sex and The City (the movie) and the guy who was filming it was constantly crunching away on popcorn. It was so annoying, I couldn't watch it.
jesus christ, how do you people put up with that :lol:? In the rare event that i go to the movies, everyones to shut the fuck up, or i'll stick their popcorn/soda/candywrapper/baby/whatever up their backside
Gordon: "Oh no... I... I remember!"
Joker: "Remember? Ohh, I wouldn't do that. Remembering is dangerous. I find the past such a worrying, anxious place. "The past tense"; I suppose you'd call it. Ha ha ha."

The Joker is so awesome.

(PS: this quote isn't from the movie, by the way.)
I saw it this arvo it was awesome, no real distractions while I was there apart from having to take a slash half way through

I gotta say usually movies that get really hyped up and shit usually let me down the most, but this one really came through Heath Ledger killed it imo truly made the joker seem completely insane it was cool if you're going to be a mass murdering terrorist this is how you should do it
Never really liked it...

Too, I'm curious to see if the Riddler will come in Nolan's movie. I know Robin William was suppose to play it when Burton was suppose to do Returns, and was still intereted in playing the Joker in Dark Knight, maybe he'll want the Riddler role in Nolan's but... that would be weird. Tho I would see him more as the Mad Hatter.
Aparrently David Tennent (the new Dr Who) is interested in playing the next Riddler.