The Dark Knight


Ol Drake
May 18, 2005
So I commited that rare act of putting my guitar down and actually leaving it's sight for a few hours to go see the new Batman film, the Dark Knight.

I was quite dubious, even after hearing good things about it. I was HOPING it wasn't hype just due to Heath Ledger's unfortunate death (R.i.p.), but i was amazed to see him give an amazing performance. Perfect.

I'd recommend anyone and everyone to see it, just a great film. Ledger fit SO well into the role of the joker, although now I'm gonna have to watch "Batman" to remind myself how Jack Nicholson was as the Joker.

My ONLY criticism with the film, is Batman's ridiculously low voice. It's ridiculous. It was low in the last one, but i'm SURE it wasn't THAT low. Sounds like someone scraping the bottom of a big barrell with a crowbar.

But Yeah, BRILLIANT. I even jumped a few times and spilt a shit-load of popcorn. Fuck.

Anyone else see it?
I felt just like you. Very dubious on the hype. Ledger reported Oscar Nomination, every media outlet spewing their loads about it. Real turn off.

But Wow...Wow Ledger was as good as they say. Ecstatic that Katie Holmes wasn't in this movie. The new actress is far better.

His voice is a bit silly, but makes more sense. Every Masked supa-hero uses their own voice, yet no one recognizes it, even though they've heard it a thousand times. Changing the voice, masks the suphaha-hero alot better *IMO*
I saw it and its pretty good, but Nicholson is my favourite. Hes just fuckin amazing! Its a different joker altogether really, heath ledger did an astounding job but I still prefer nicholson, guess I watched that movie too many times as a kid.
I saw it the day it came out.
Ledger's Joker is the best ever imo. I grew up watching Nicholson, but the Joker in TDK is in a different league. He was creepy, scary, funny, tragic and everything in between. The bit where he tells that bloke he knew which of his mates were cowards when they died was spine-tingling. He fucking owned the entire film.
I loved the film, but yes, Batman sounded ridiculous.
The voice thing seems to be the one that comes up all the time - can't say I noticed any difference to the voice used in 'Batman Begins' this film, it's just used more as there is more Batman than Bruce Wayne, unlike the first film.

Regarding the film itself, saw it at the weekend and didn't come away as impressed as I was with '....Begins' - the Joker is obviously the standout ...brilliant interpretation of the character and the scene coming out of the hospital is one of my favourites. Gary Oldman as Gordon was great too...and the twist with him was totally unexpected by me, even right up to the reveal.

Thought the Harvey Dent -> 2-face thing was done well, but wish it had been done a bit earlier....would have preferred a bit more 2-face in the film than what there was. favourite bit was the batpod. At no point in the last few months did I suspect that vehicle would come from where it came from (trying to avoid a spoiler here)....but when it happened I got so a little 4 year old getting a present on xmas day. Wife keeps taking the piss out of me for me reaction (jumping up and down in my seat etc)...and looking back at the pics of the vehicle it's so bloody obvious where it comes from.

Overall - I preferred '...Begins'...but this film is going to get better for me...when it comes out on DVD it is going to be watched several times, because it has so much in it, and I can see it growing on me a lot more. Plus I want to see what Nolan does with the rumour of a director's cut.
Great movie, Christopher Nolan is a fantastic writer and director. Nicholson was good as the Joker, but he doesn't hold a candle to Ledger in this one.

I love Batman's low voice, when I first heard it all I could think was "BRUTAL".
heath Ledger's performance really did steal the show though. I was really wary about seeing this film because I didn't thin kanyone could top Jack Nicholesons performance in 1989, but hetah did just as good if not better, just in his own way
Batmans voice, its one of the things that changes him from spoiled rich boy Bruce Wayne, into the monster Batman. Its intimidating, threatening, and scares the shit out of the mob goons. I think Bale has a distinguishable voice, so it only makes since to disguise it. I enjoyed Heaths Joker, he could of been even more crazy if they would of allowed an R rating, but then they would of lost some ticket sales. I heard for Batman 3 they are possibly thinking about using The Riddler, played by Johnny Depp...if done right could be another major Blockbuster if rumors are true.
I'd rather have completely new villains for a third movie, the talk at the Metallica boards is of Azrael and Bane.
I found out the Depp villian is a rumor for now, I did find out they might make a new villian up from scratch. Catwoman, Hugo Strange, The Riddler, and Penguin are also being considered.
as for villans if heath hadn't died they could have done the jocker/harley quinn duo for the next film. alas! 'twill not be so:erk: