Batman The Dark Knight

King Richard

Hello there
Mar 23, 2006
Wouldn't you like to know
So...I saw the preview the other day at the theater. Looks like a pretty badass movie imo. I was trying to figure out who was paying Joker, but it didn't click. Well it turns out to be Heath Ledger who was found dead yesterday in his place with sleeping pills near his body. Police don't know whether or not it was a suicide or accidental overdose (I'm sure they'll never now). From what I saw/heard in the preview, he was pulling that crazy/demented laugh that Jack Nicholson did in the first one really well. I didn't paticularly like Heath Ledger as an actor, however sucks that he die before the best acting job of his career will be seen.
Of course this is very sad news, but the good thing is that the movie finished filming a while ago (before Ledger died, anyway) so there shouldn't be any setbacks, it's just in the editing process as of now.
You're gayer than him for not being able to admit when a guy is "fucking hot" or "as ugly as your grandfathers ballsack". Christian Bale is a damn good looking guy, and a fucking ace actor - end of story -

The editing may be done with The Dark Knight, but now they will more than likely have to rewrite the entire third films script - and depending on the end of TDK, we may not even get a third (it really depends on how crucial his part is...)
Looking forward to the Dark Knight, the last film was really quite good, and I loved how dark the Batman character became. Bale did an amazing job. I hope Ledger does a good job as the Joker, as living up to the level of what Jack Nicholson did as the character (which I think was quite brilliant) is going to be tough.

As for Ledger. I'm pretty sad to hear about it. He used to come to a pub down the road from where I live, and frequented our area overall, and I must say he (well both he and Jake) gave incredible performances in Brokeback Mountain (awaits flaming). It's totally fucked that he's died well before his career peaked, and I do hope it's not the usual drug overdose crap. RIP.