Batman arrested for assault; Rachel Dawes not available for comment

Anybody who denies Nicholson's acting ability is a fucking cock jockey. He is one of the greatest actors to have ever lived. With that said, I don't know if he could have captured the Joker as Ledger did. Obviously not now, he's too old, but I'm not quite sure even in his younger days. That is not to say by any means that Heath Ledger was a better actor (which is by no means true), but I think that this particular performance and interpretation would be nearly impossible to top, for me personally.

Theaters are, like, the intended environment for movies, which is why movies are released in theaters. Unless you have a comparable set up in your living room. Which you don't.
1. Why do you assume I don't? I could be a pasty suburban kid whose rich father is one of those home theater nuts.
(I'm not though)
2. In theaters it's often too loud to really follow and analyze a movie. I only go to see action movies or lowbrow comedies in theaters - anything deep or sophisticated I see at home.
since when is batman a deep/sophisticated movie. you're just being a cheap fuck who wont spend the 9$ or has no friends and doesn't want to admit it

Christopher Nolan's Batman movies walk the fine line of sophistication and thrill that not many are able to successfully balance. There is a fairly deep contextual understanding behind the movie that is not found in most movies as "action packed" as this one. I still think that it's worth seeing in theaters though.
since when is batman a deep/sophisticated movie. you're just being a cheap fuck who wont spend the 9$ or has no friends and doesn't want to admit it

Untrue. I am cheap, but I do have friends with whom I'll probably end up seeing this in theaters, tbh. But it does have some depth, and I'd like to sit back and try to absorb heath ledger's legendary performance to see if it lives up to the hype.

Christopher Nolan's Batman movies walk the fine line of sophistication and thrill that not many are able to successfully balance. There is a fairly deep contextual understanding behind the movie that is not found in most movies as "action packed" as this one. I still think that it's worth seeing in theaters though.
I saw the first in theaters and missed a lot of stuff because it was loud and dark and I was in a theater. I still enjoyed it. Optimaly I'd see it in both.

However, I saw an article saying that batman tickets are selling on eBay for up to $50...dunno what that's about.
I would probably just wait a bit before going to see it. The only reason I went at midnight on opening day was because a friend was going to see it and he offered to pay for my ticket. I didn't really have much of an interest in seeing it beforehand, to be honest. I didn't even realize who Heath Ledger was until my friend reminded me when we were discussing the possibility of a sequel after we were done watching the movie and he said "but they'll have to find a new Joker" and I asked why.
yeah, if someone paid for my ticket I'd go to anything vaguely decent because movies are fun.
But to me, since I don't have a steady paying job, $10 for a movie means one CD (or a couple old vinyl records) I won't be getting. If I get the job I'm applying for tomorrow I'll probably start going to more movies.
I would probably just wait a bit before going to see it. The only reason I went at midnight on opening day was because a friend was going to see it and he offered to pay for my ticket. I didn't really have much of an interest in seeing it beforehand, to be honest. I didn't even realize who Heath Ledger was until my friend reminded me when we were discussing the possibility of a sequel after we were done watching the movie and he said "but they'll have to find a new Joker" and I asked why.

rent must be cheap to live under that rock
dude, part of the point is that his friend wanted to go and that was why he saw it. I've gone to plenty of movies I never would have gone to if my friends hadn't wanted to go.
I don't pay attention to Hollywood bullshit. I don't really watch many movies either. I've actually never seen a movie with Ledger in it before.
I think I might have. I wouldn't know. I've often seen a bunch of movies with an actor and really liked him and had no clue who he was.