Comic Book To Movie Adaptions...


Oct 10, 2002
Im just curious as to what you all might think about comic books going to movies and if you think the adaptions are good? I have to admit, I think marvel has gone too far.

Spider- Man the movie:

Mary Jane Watson??!! Where the fuck was gwen stacy at!!! Peter never gave a damn about Mary Jane until way after. And theres the issue of the webbing coming "From Him" Out of his wrists, I always thought peter parker was an amazing character because he was the book smart dwebe that was way into chemistry, Which he utlilized to make his make his web shooters, showcasing his talent in chemistry, Not so In the movie:mad:
Anyway all in all, A good movie if your not into the comics from way back when, But damn, Stan Lee has got to quit bending over for these movie producers/Directors, Especially since they're doin a sequal.


After watching the trailers, Who knows, I hope its good and only time will tell if the facts are straight. I know the kingpin isnt played by a big fat bald white guy, But i think Ving rhames may bring some depth to the character. Lets just see...

The Hulk:
Once again time will tell if we get good adaption of the incredible hulk. Never been a huge fan, but i am curious to see the origins in perspective to the comics vs. Producers/directors. Does make you wonder if he shits green too:confused::lol:

And finaly, X-Men 2:

I hear we are finaly going to see the Ice man in action;) Magneto I guess will be helping out the good guys this time, Hmmm...
where the hell is the beast in all this? I guess they couldnt fit him in. Jubilee who was in the first movie in select scenes, Is supposed to be wolvies favorite, But oh no, she gets beat out by rougue, Which is all fine i guess, Considering jubilees powers are kinda lame anyway, Oh well, All in all It looks to better then the first;) As long as Wolverine just keeps kicking ass i will be happy:)

Well Thanks for hearing me gripe about this, Kinda wondering your thoughts as well, By no means is this thread limited to just Marvel adaptions, So if you have a complaint about any adaption made from any comic, post it here:)
Originally posted by kamikaze

Spider- Man the movie:

Mary Jane Watson??!! Where the fuck was gwen stacy at!!! Peter never gave a damn about Mary Jane until way after. And theres the issue of the webbing coming "From Him" Out of his wrists, I always thought peter parker was an amazing character because he was the book smart dwebe that was way into chemistry, Which he utlilized to make his make his web shooters, showcasing his talent in chemistry, Not so In the movie:mad:
Anyway all in all, A good movie if your not into the comics from way back when, But damn, Stan Lee has got to quit bending over for these movie producers/Directors, Especially since they're doin a sequal.

They left out Gwen Stacey since she's been dead for so long, because they though that when people saw the movie, they'd go pick up the Spider-Man comic.

Anyone read the From Hell graphic novel? I saw the movie first, and read the GN second, and the GN kicks the movie's ass. Speaking of Alan Moore, the person that scripted the X-Men movies wrote a script based on The Watchmen, and it's supposedly good(that's what Ain't It Cool News said) so now I'm waiting for it eagerly. And Moore on Moore, his League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comic is in the works now as movie(starring Sean Connery), and I don't know what the fuck the status is on this.

BTW, I'm a huge Alan Moore fan. ;)
I think the only one I've seen is "Spawn" and that was just a mediocre movie IMO. I haven't really felt the need to see any of the other cartoon or computer games adaptions and don't think I ever will. I haven't seen "Tomb raider", but from what I've heard (which I of course can't use, as it's not my own opinon) it should pretty crappy. Lousy effects, lots of action, but no story or the small story there is, is wiggedi-wack on the twiggedi-twack!
I've seen the first Batman (the one from '89) and as far as I recall it was pretty good, but I guess it's around 10 years since I've seen it. I've also seen the one from '66 and it's super stupid, corny & probably has the worst effects in history!
Batman i dont really remember, It got kinda out of hand there whith all those sequalls, Spawn If i remember right was pretty good, I liked the movie But i know there some small details that bugged me, Wasnt Spawn killed by somone different in the comics than in the movie? Who knows, Im goin Have to watch it again.
The Crow was good, I think it was a Comic adaption. I never read the comic so I can't compare.

Batman was good until Michael Keaton left.

X-men was good as long as you try to forget the fine details, otherwise like most adaptions have gaping holes in it.

Spiderman was good a well

Flash sucked as. They even came out with a TV show in the late 80's or early 90's I forget

The Punisher sucked so bad. It had no relation to the comics.

I can't think of any other adaptations. When I go see an adaptation I put in mind that comic book heros have been around for ever so to add history in is very hard to do in a film.
I liked the two Conan movies alot, but then again Iam a big Conan fan!

They might not be the biggest masterpiece in movie history, but they are still pretty good and not to far off from the comic (which still is better).

Looking forward to the third movie, Conan: The Conqurer :D
Yes they are making a third, think it will be out in late 2003 or 2004, I think it takes place either after Conan has become king or his quest to become the king.

Oh and Schwartzenegger will play Conan once again :D
Originally posted by SlaughterofSoul

Anyone read the From Hell graphic novel? I saw the movie first, and read the GN second, and the GN kicks the movie's ass.

I've read the graphic novel and it's one of the best I've ever read, only Sandmans top it, haven't seen the movie though, so I can't say anything about it, but I think it can't be as good as the graphic novel because IMO the strenght of the novel lies in the length and detail of the story that can't be brought to screen.

About other comic-book adaptations:
Spiderman - Good, I think the movie has well captured feeling of the comic. I don't like spidey/Peter as a character though. My most hated Marvel-character.

X-Men - Good. I wanted to see Beast too... I heard that the X-Men 2 is supposed to be more centered on Wolverine and his story (weapon-x and all that), which is great if it's true.

Daredevil & Hulk - Have to see them first, before I say anything. I don't like the characters too much.

Batman - First two with Keaton are great, rest are crap. 60's Batman rules :lol:. Camp at it's best.

Crow - I recently read the comic, but it's so long when I saw the movie that I can't really make comparison. The comic was good though.

Conan - First one was ok, second was below ok. Third should be different with Conan as king.
I've seen both the live action and animated (Stan Lee drawn of course) versions of Spawn, and I have to say, the animated version kicks ass. Yeah, it's from Stan Lee, so everything's correct...but it was just way sweeter.

I'm looking forward to the new Duke Nukem movie coming out...I want to know who's going to play Duke though; could be The Rock.
Another comic/game movie I'd like to see made would be Turok: Dinosaur Hunter. That's probably just because it's my favorite game, but it's still sweet.
Originally posted by Voice of God
I've read the graphic novel and it's one of the best I've ever read, only Sandmans top it, haven't seen the movie though, so I can't say anything about it, but I think it can't be as good as the graphic novel because IMO the strenght of the novel lies in the length and detail of the story that can't be brought to screen.

A lot of details were left out. Plus instead of focusing the story on the Ripper, they focus it on Aberline. Plus the sex and violence had to be toned down(especially the sex! :eek: )
I usually stay away from comic book/computer game adaptions, as they usually seem so cheap in a way. It seems like they've run out of ideas for movies and just thought "Hey, let's do a film version of this comic/computer game in lack of better!".