I'm stupid so....

First two albums i would call raw grindgore metal, followings as a deathmetal. I´m sure you gonna like Carcass, if you are a fan of death and grindgore metal!:spin: I would recommend you to buy Symphonies of sickness album, since it was also my first introdution album to Carcass`s stuff.;)
I'd rather call it "Morgue grind/death metal" up to the Necroticism LP...from then on they're both Melodic Death(not so melodic...but it's cool) and Hard Trash/Rock(I know it's a bit farfetched...but it's the most specific i can be)....oh and by the way can anyone tell me what the fuck happened to Ken? I only hear the man is ill but can't get any specific info...
Yep, you're stupid.

Put down In Flames and replace them with quality metal, Carcass.

Get Necroticism. Hell get them all.
