im takin a break from the board until things cool down

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
the subject says it all. why spend my day on the board, when i have better things to do? so, im out until Pilgrim gets a grip. neal or NoLordy, you know how to get in contact with me if for some odd reason you want to do so...... ill do periodic check-ins, so ill be like WD and browse, without posting... call ME immature, look who's REALLY spamming the board with total horseshit...
Fuck the pricks

Lets find out where the asshole lives
and break his fucking arms
Lets all try to get along.
Yeah right
Thanks...........I didn't record it.

Don't be so sensitive,dead6skin6mask6.
Just read the story I sent you,since I assume cutting back on your forum-browsing will give you an abundance of time.E-mail me your response and post it wherever you're going to.You can send it to Pyrus as well.I may send you more stories in the future.
This is depressing.The person who was probobly at the board more than anyone is now leaving...damn.Eh,watch;Pilgrim'll leave soon enough now that dsm isn't around.Will was the one that Pilgrim flamed the most.Well,I have you as one of my contacts,dsm,so I guess I'll e-mail you tomorrow.I'm gonna be gone all day today,however.Community service obligations;I need 'em to graduate from high school.The things are a bitch.
Originally posted by dreaming neon darkspot

Community service obligations;I need 'em to graduate from high school.

What the hell kind of new rule is this??? Isn't it enough that you have to take required classes in order to graduate? Now they're laying this kind of shit on you people!?!?!?! I thought community service was for young people who got caught drinking or something...:confused:

And WTF is going on here????? I'm gone for a few days and come back to see Will is LEAVING?!? :mad: Piss on the troll that has set these events in motion I say!
Bring back the laffies! Come home DSM!!!!
DMR-The community service obligations have to be filled by everyone in order for them to graduate.75 hrs. required.It's some fucked up thing we need in order to graduate from high school,set up for the state of MD(or at least my area and Baltimore)I don't like it,but I have to go along with it,I guess.When I fill out and turn in the forms for the past 2 activities I did,I'll have over 40 hrs. so I'm doing well,I suppose.
That is just wrong darkspot!...And 75 HOURS!!! One would think it would be better to have you work a part-time job that would relate to a career you were interesed least you'd get PAID for the time they are taking away from you!

Community service....BAH!