I'm trying to think of some awesome band names


Lilitu Bassist
Jul 8, 2004
Atlanta, GA
I was thinking for a PowerProg band, like...

-any other suggestions?

Maybe for a goof rock band (HAHHAHAA):
-Death From Above (and in this band we could all have stage names. Mine would be Chris Fuck. My brother's would be Penis McPeniston)
-Paul and the Sacks (HAHAHHAHAHHAA)
-The Clap
Chrono Reversal
Mitral Anesthetic
Dendritic Anomaly

Donkey Rape
Well, Jenova Birth and Noir de Floraison are taken. :p


-Wait.. I'm taking this one right away.
progryche said:
Well, Jenova Birth and Noir de Floraison are taken. :p


-Wait.. I'm taking this one right away.

Someone is actually using "Jenova Birth" bwahahahaha I don't know whats geekier, me for recognizing what thats from, or the band for actually using it as a band name :).
Yngvai X said:
Someone is actually using "Jenova Birth" bwahahahaha I don't know whats geekier, me for recognizing what thats from, or the band for actually using it as a band name :).

Damn.. I thought my bandmate had a unique thing there.. I guess we'll just have to stick with Noir de Floraison, then..

- And the geekier, the better. :p
HAHA, SB rules, Dokken dude!! How totally awesome is that?! And for Jenova Birth, wasn't that from Final Fantasy VII or something? Or was it from anywhere else? Either way, thats hilarious that someone is using it, since all I think when I hear it is FF VII
hey yngvai...nibbelheim :D i love final fantasy! but yeah i had a good one from english class
ars moriendi- the art of dying well

i thought it suitable for metal...apparently so did some german thrash metal band, bah!